This is an *unedited* Twitch VOD from PointCrow. Streamed Aug 31, 2023:



Artwork/Emotes by Lycel, SSSucrose, AbbyBagel — Watch live at
#pointcrow #terraria #twitch


  1. As a person who loves terraria watching this playthrough so far has been equal parts hilarious watching them struggle and infuriating also watching them struggle and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I really hope they feel like continuing on till endgame when things really get good.

    28:15 1

  2. may or may not have got terraria since the first vod, played through it, got clamaity, played through it, got infernum, played through it.

    and now im doing my seccond infernum playthrough

  3. P.Crow got me interested in calamity and now me and my friend are on the final boss rush. Always a good time when I come back to Terraria so I’m glad to see the content

  4. Lol oh man, that viewer that got thrashed at the beginning. I think they were the same ones apologizing and saying they misworded it, but Pointcrow didn't notice. That's gotta stick with ya a good while if you really like the streamer. Bummer lol. I feel kind of bad for them, if it was the same person. I didn't catch the initial comment made, nor did I rewind.

    This is why I'm too afraid to comment stuff on stream. I've gone to streamers' websites to talk and had them harass me through the person email I'd used to sign up after due to their own misunderstanding (looking at you, ThinkerThunker). Never got an apology and it made me mad for so long because I'd only defended their right of belief.

    Edit: Also, 28:13: 1 😂

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