1. considering it's mentioned i think that Abby did have Pierre's hair at one point, I'm still a believer that it's Caroline that's the wizard's daughter, and Abby's his granddaughter. That's why when she dyed her hair, the small bit of magic is keeping it at that colour.
    just my theory tho, and it feels more fitting than thinking Caroline cheated.
    as for the greenhouse thing, i mean, it's a hobby. everyone needs a chance to decompress and let their minds wander tbh (something irl people have kinda forgotten to do)
    not saying the towns perfect; lord knows it's got a lotta flaws, but the marriage i don't think is one of them. i think it's a mix of pierre being stressed from joja, the hair thing, the fact that abby's hobbys are a lot different than what he and caroline grew up with (going by the graveyard scene, it really sounds like a lot of her behaviours were probably extremely taboo in their youth possibly).
    but of course, unless ConcernedApe proves or disproves anything, all we can do is speculate

  2. I think Abigail might know too cause she does go out to the wizards tower or at least the area of it sometimes and says she doesn't remember dying her hair/might know it's natural… Thoughts???

  3. ANOTHER THEORY: We know the wizard was married to the witch for a bit before they broke up but… WITCHES HAVE GREEN HAIR AND CAROLINE HAS GREEN HAIR AS WELL!!

  4. Personally I like to think it's that the Wizard had an affair with the traveling cart lady and that resulted in Caroline, they're the only two with green hair in the the whole game, and I feel like Caroline was drawn there because she could unconsciously feel the presence of her parents in that area. This would instead make Abigail the wizard's granddaughter rather than his daughter which I feel makes more since because Abigail doesn't seem to have too much magic but if we consider Caroline's tea room cutscene, she seems to have magic. I also think Emily is his daughter too and her parents didn't figure out until after Hailey was born and eventually her dad couldn't take dealing with a child from an affair anymore and forced their mom to leave the valley with him and never return.

  5. I honestly hope that Abigail moves to chocolate belly and the wizard moves the chocolate valley and they find out their related to each other. That would be amazing

  6. Abigail's hair color doesn't matter because Caroline said she wishes she would stop dying it that it's naturally a light chestnut. I think it's Jaz. Marnie is a bit promiscuous and next door to the wizard but I don't know why she would warn you to stay away from the tower.

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