From Volume 2

Music that plays while in the Crimson.

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  1. 0:40

    man this part always scared me the most

    i remember when i played for the first time mobile and i created a large world

    i always felt something weird hearing this

  2. Ни одно место в играх так не пугает меня как кримзон, разработчики сделали так что невольно проникаешься в тот мир.

  3. The crimson and corruption both symbolize decay in different ways. The crimson displays decay as something dead is decaying, such as flesh, while the corruption symbolizes decay as in a virus, slowly killing, and decaying whatever was left.

  4. I've had the evil biome in my first world randomized and it picked the Crimson. And I was unlucky enough that one of the infested parts was about three screens away from my spawn. As a new player, I've gotta say it legit scared the crap out of me when I saw it spread extremely close

  5. i like to imagine the terrain of the crimson itself is sentient. its a completely organic mess of flesh and bone hungry for comsuming everything in its path. while the corruption spreads as if infecting each block, the crimson GROWS itself

  6. This why I always do corruption
    First time, was a mistake (R.I.P jungle btw) second time, let’s just say my friends had no idea what to expect

  7. This is the music that plays on Kepler-186f. The planet is in the habitable zone, and its vegetation would be red. Blood. Freaking. Red. EVERYWHERE.

  8. One terraria night on a real life night I was exploring past the desert which was the very left nex biome to my biome spawn and I came across this redness (keep in mind this was basically my first world and I never saw crimson befroe or corruption) the music scared me so bad I ignored the vultures and ran away back to my house in pure fear

  9. I think the crimson biome would smell like bacon being cooked, ya know the smell that you can’t t stop smelling.

  10. Порча смешные чубрики крутая музыка багрянец:☠️💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  11. I always thought I was one of if not the only person to get super freaked out by the Crimson as a Kid, like that shit gave me nightmares, but based on the comments it seems a lot of people had similar reactions to me

  12. The Crimson: An unstoppable force of malice trying to consume everything to take over it.
    A random terraria player with a clentaminator:

  13. This is the sound of me in iron gear trying desperately to get leather in my 1.4.4 Thorium playthrough (The sword sheathes are overpowered as fuck)

  14. completely forgot to quarantine the crimson before I killed Wal of flesh, had this playing on repeat until I had the time to kill the crimson and hallowed

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