The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.20!
This tutorial will show you how to link Nether Portals with pinpoint accuracy.

Setting up portals to our Iron Farm at spawn and the Skeleton Spawner farm, we look at the relationship between Nether and Overworld coordinates, and how Nether Portals search for other portals to link to – or valid places to create a new portal.

Along the way we talk about euclidian geometry, accidentally create a portal that links to two places, and discover some unexpected debris!

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


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GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #NetherPortals


  1. No matter how many times I try to construct a nether hub, I always get frustrated and have to settle for an annoying stair/ladder situation. This video will help immensely thanks!

  2. It should be noted that there are three different types of "lava lakes" in the overworld. The most reliable one is "lava caves". Any cave that generates below Y=54 will be filled with lava instead of air. The next one is "lava lakes". These can generate at any height and are essentially a small puddle filled with lava. And finally there is the lava version of aquifers, which usually occur at any height in the deepslate region. These are the same thing as water-filled caves, except less pleasant.
    Also, as shown, portal linking isn't a fixed thing. The target portal is based on the teleporting entity's location, not the portal block it's touching. For players that's usually a rare edge case, but if you ever want to build a portal-based ghast farm, this becomes quite important, as ghasts can touch a portal block from several blocks away, and portal linking from the nether to the overworld has a lot less wiggle room, due to the multiplication by 8.

  3. If you really wanted Nether-side portals on the same Y level, would it work to “extinguish” the conflicting portal in the Overworld, get the desired portals linked, then relight the extinguished one afterwards?

  4. a trick I like to use when I have an unlimited number of ender eyes, is to store all my obsidian as enderchests. you can break an enderchest with any pickaxe, so a stack of of enderchests and a stone pickaxe is 51 netherportals worth of obsidian

  5. And there I was yesterday dealing with the same problem 😂. Good thing I had seen the previous season video on the subject. Spent more time dealing with linking portals than working on the farm I was supposed to link😂

  6. Very timely video Pix – I'm currently draining an ocean monument in my world and trying to design my own version of a guardian farm where portals remove the guardians to the nether, kills them and then sends the drops back to the farm and understanding the intricacies of portal linking is gonna be key. I don't know if I'll be successful, but I'm gonna give my best shot and this vid has already shown that I'll have to tweak some things away from the layout I had in my head. 👍

  7. I could have used this episode a couple of days ago when i was trying to link two portals for a chunk loader. Amazing how much I still learn from these episodes (the whole thing regarding where in the portal you stand was a mind-blower).

  8. I'm really loving this series! I'm part of a realm with 200+ people and floating blocks cause lag… watching him mine and not pic up blocks is causing anxiety, lol! 🤣

  9. Really amazed by this Nether Portal linking tutorial! 🔥 I always got confused on how to properly link these portals, but now, thanks to your guide, everything makes so much more sense! 😃 Watching your tutorial feels like having a Minecraft expert by my side guiding me through 🧐. Haha, no more getting lost in the Nether for me! 🤣 Keep up the great work, looking forward to more tutorials! 👍

  10. Oh, ok, now I see why a portal I have seems to randomly create a new portal on the other side of my lake and occasionally links to my base portal! Thanks.

  11. I would have thought that one would need to build the portal to your xp farm HIGHER in the nether instead of lower like you did…to get it closer to the overworld counterpart…so your graphic on how distances to portals is calculated kind of includes a 4th dimension in the sense that it seems to overlay the overworld x,y,z into the nether x,y,z before it calculates distance (not sure if you mentioned that or not…I may have missed it).

    Another great vid…really enjoy watching your content. 🙂

  12. I waited 2 years to start developing a proper netherhub and tunnels in my world, and I could have done so much if I invested some time in it before. Nevetheless, i'm very proud of the design and final result. 2 years without sand is too much !

  13. I remember building a nether portal inside my end portal room in a 1.17 world and the room generated completely submerged in the ocean. Occasionally it would transport me above the ocean nearby an ocean monument I would later use as my guardian farm. But because both portals were so useful to me I was torn between which one to keep and which one to relocate. When I switched to 1.18 I made a new world so I wasn't able to decide lol.

  14. Fun fact: nether portals are exactly accurate down to the decimal. If you have eight portals in the overworld stacked next to each other face to face, one portal in the nether will serve them all provided you stand at the right coordinates. This can be used to make a secret base where you stand in one portion of the portal to get into your b ase and the other bit to go elsewhere ccloseby

  15. So glad that you managed to cover how one portal can link to two different portals based on the location you go into the portal at. It's a really good way to debunk the common misconception that nether portals are "linked" in the sense that most people think of the word "link", which implies a permanent connection between the two points. Instead, each time a portal is used, the game searches for a corresponding portal based on the location the portal use happens at. Most of the time this always results in the transfer between the same points, but there are weird situations that it can make a difference, like the one you found here.

  16. It's bonkers that a 1 chunk nether hub can cleanly cover an 8×8 area in the overworld. When I first discovered portal linking I was sooo geeked. Still get giddy when I'm setting up

  17. I realise you did the spawner farm portal that way to show how Y level impacts portal placement, but wouldn't it be neater to add a bubble elevator from the spawner room to ground level, and have the nether end on the same level as the other portals?

  18. You're telling me that just standing on different sides of the portal can cause a difference of like 100 blocks? And I'm only finding out about this now? That is mind blowing, honestly. Think I know a few places that I can link up to just one big portal(if I get the connections and orientations right). Thank you so much Pix, and good job handling these quick and informative videos. Not a single video has gone by where I didn't find out about something simple in Minecraft I didntknow before.

  19. My bedrock world is bugged 🙁 all of my portals will send me back to my orignal portal i made neer my main base. Even if i make them 1000 or more blocks away. Dont know what to do to try & fix it. #BugRock gang

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