If Minecraft Was Controlled By Twitter… Minecraft lowkey be crazy when it’s controlled by twitter.

Twitter – https://twitter.com/Chuckknasty

This is not Minecraft Multiplayer Be Like, When a Fornite Player Plays Minecraft, if Minecraft Was Free to Play, or If Minecraft was controlled by parents. This is If Minecraft Was Controlled By Twitter.


  1. You should've increased the cancel meter when you killed the wither skeleton and the Blaze, because the skeletons are black and the blazes are white

  2. Vegan teacher: save animals! eat vegetables!

    me with 300 IQ: Overpopulation of animals can have negative impact to the environment, and excessive consumption of plants and leaves can destroy the environment required for vegetation. Don't you know?

    Twitter: let's ban this guy

    me with 300 IQ: bro is promoting vegan activism and disrespecting education 💀

    Twitter: >:(


    200 years later

    End of the World due to excessive animal population and lack of vegetation

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