There are alot of Special Qi Items, and most of them are incredibelly useful. In this Video I will go over all of the items you can buy at Mr Qi’s Golden Walnut room, and try to help you decide which you should focus on.
Check out some of my other tips and tricks videos!

Full Hopper Guide:
Full Rain Totem Guide:
Iridium Farming Guide:
Crazy Money Making Technique:
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  1. I used to make triple expresso and spicy eel with Qi seasoning. +4 speed boost on horse is insane. But CA patched it.

  2. I love the "key of the town" because I like doing as much as I can on my farm and town before going to ginger island and sleeping there. Many times I've taken too much time doing chores so that I couldn't get to Willy's in time and had to postpone my trip to the island for the day after >:0 but after buying the key I can go whenever I want and it's amazing ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. The key to the town is great for going to Clint's! When he's closed, he stands at the counter for at least 1 in game hour then moves to his anvil. You can still go to the counter and have him break open golden coconuts, treasure troves and geodes.

  4. I honestly prefer the enricher over the pressure nozzle. In the late game where you probably are when you reach Mr Qi's walnut room, Iridium sprinklers are basically free as shit. Since sprinklers automatically do your job for you, I feel the extra watering space doesn't matter since you practically have tons of them.
    And I like to remind myself that Time is a greater resource when you reach late game and having to manually fertilize crops at every start of season or when I wanna regrow single use crops is tiring and you risk running out of time if you have a huge ass farm. Enrichers seem to fix this problem for me easily.

  5. I just reached the Qi shop. I'm a creep and bought key to the city first! Finally I can enter any person's house at night or before they get up, slip into their bed, and maybe gift them to get my wife mad.

    Next I got the horse flute. Both items so far I felt were pretty self-indulgent. No longer do I have to remember where I left my horse, the poor thing would probably throw up from the number of transportation it goes through in a day!

    Next I got the stock list because I always wanted to buy seeds out of season. But to be honest it just junks up the shop and I have a lot less cause to use it than I might have in the past.

    Next I got some chests, actually 4. The space is very small once I saw how limited it was I kept it for specialist use. I've been playing pretty casually and free but with my eyes on buying the gold clock my operation is getting a bit industrial so I'm using the chests to link my (currently 2) cellars with my greenhouse and island farm to keep everything together for the big wine operation. After all, I was just extending this out and intended to split base wine to the second cellar after a certain number built up, prepared to refill my casks, but now I don't have to split anything!

    Finally (so far) I've bought up all th recipes as I'm working toward perfection perhaps, although I didn't receive the tea sapling recipe so I'm really hoping that I can fix that eventually and get everything made. I think I managed to cancel out of the letter or cut scene back when I returned to the game in the onslaught of updated stuff.

    Actually I got 3 galaxy souls somwhere in the middle too and upgraded my sword. I will surely get everything left but I am happy with my current sprinkler setup and don't really use fertiliser yet, so they are not essentials to me. The hopper that you don't recommend, I haven't been keen on either as they just don't sound versatile enough to string together to make something useful.

  6. I got the town key first. I don't use teleports to ginger island (lack of dragons tooth) so this was very nice to be able to go to ginger island even after willy shop would have been closed.

  7. My favorite would definitely be the horse flute
    (edit) I read through a lot of comments and not a lot of people are talking about the horse flute idk why

  8. I'd probably put Scammer Pierre's missing stocklist on least priority. Off- season prices are ridiculous. Or buy stacks of seeds in the Night Market.

  9. I use the Junimo chests as a war chest. A big stack of all 3 bombs, three stacks of battle foods and a stack of espresso. I place them at dungeon entrances. That way I only need to keep one chest at the farm all stocked up. Hoppers are cheap, so I just deconstruct them for the radioactive bar, but I also like them for furnaces.

  10. I have 5 junimo chests : 1 on regular mine, 1 on crystal mine, 1 in my house on ginger island, 1 on my farm and 1 in the volcano. I keep my stairs, food, my prismatic shard and the lava shards

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