(WARNING – HAS SPOILERS (See Below)) First episode of what will be a many-part Beginner’s Guide Series for Terraria, version 1.4 – Journey’s End. This series is intended for true beginners, new players, or anyone struggling to do well or know what to do in Terraria, and will contain a full walkthrough for the game. This episode on Getting Started includes a progression overview, covers character and world creation settings, and explains a few basic game mechanics and early-game activities to get started on the right foot.

SPOILER WARNING: This video has a Progression Overview section that shows several bosses you’ll face during the game, including the final boss. If you don’t want to see those spoilers, skip to 3:48 and watch from there.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Series Intro
1:04 Episode Intro
1:31 Progression Overview
3:48 Settings Tips
4:41 Character & World Creation
7:15 Getting Started in a New World
8:10 Item Modifiers
8:40 “Material” Items
9:38 Basic Base Defense
10:59 Early Biome Exploration
12:16 Early Cave Exploration
12:41 Increased Life Effects
13:32 Ore Tiers
14:16 Back to Base / Nighttime / Upgrades
15:08 Storage Chests & Next Steps
15:40 Conclusion

The next episode will cover player and NPC housing, as well as NPC happiness and pylons. Future guides in the series will cover each of the different bosses, stages of the game, and various game mechanics and strategies to help you along the path to defeating the Moon Lord.

Please Like and Subscribe to help me grow the channel, and let me know if you have any comments, questions, or feedback down in the comments!


Game footage is from Terraria, a totally awesome game by indie developer Re-Logic. Interested in trying it out? Go here https://terraria.org/ or here https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/

Music is also from Terraria and was composed by Scott Lloyd Shelley / Resonance Array

Nothing in this video is sponsored by Re-Logic, and the commentary and information in this video do not represent the opinions or positions of any other entity whatsoever. Use at your own risk!! And don’t make the Angler TOO unhappy 🙂


  1. NOTE REGARDING POSSIBLE SPOILERS: If you're the type of gamer that absolutely does not want to have any surprises "spoiled" in the game, then 1) Why are you watching a guide on the game? And 2) Please read the video description before watching the video and/or commenting. You have been warned!

    I made this video almost 2 years ago, and since then an extremely small number of viewers and commenters have complained that I "spoiled" the final boss. When I made the video, my intent was to tease some of the end-game content to get players excited to progress through the game, as many players lose interest because they have no idea what to do next, or what to look forward to. Hence the rationale behind including those clips in the video. I assure you that seeing those few small clips of the final boss will in no way diminish your enjoyment of Terraria.

    Also, this was basically the fourth video I had ever made for YouTube, and since then I've learned a LOT! If I were to re-make the video, I probably wouldn't include those clips of the final boss. But it's not like I can go back and edit it now! So for you very small minority of viewers that were bothered by the clips I included of the final boss, I do apologize. But also, seriously, if you're bothered by stuff like that in guides about a game, you really should take 2 seconds to check the video description and or comments before watching videos about a game that's new to you!!

  2. I bought the game a few years ago bc my friend kept begging me too and i played it once never touched it again bc i was bad but i want to beat it so this is cool

  3. I've been playing terraria on and off for years. For at least five. But I never actually, well, played it. I've been looking into learning more and actually playing the way it's meant to be played, and this first video was already extremely helpful. I'll definitely be binging the entire series.

  4. This guide is amazing! As a person who doesnt know anything about it, it gives a good overview, a direction and so good support in understanding of what you explain

  5. I've spent a few weeks combing through Terraria videos. Most of which are confusing, but subscribed and liked this video. Clear information that explains more of the game than most of the popular / clickbait videos. Keep it up 🎉

  6. How do you get the yellow shaded selector for your cursor that shows which block your character is interacting with?

  7. That's why I hate youtube for removing the dislike count on videos. This is a fine example. Don't get me wrong there are some great tips in here, but that overview section with the sneaky fast "untill you defeat the final boss the moonlord" thing was dirty…. Yah there is description, but no one read that first thing, ppl are here for the video which is supposed to be a beginner's guide. Now given the fact that you literally comment to everyone here and theres 0 negative comments I'll suppose this video is heavely moderated and this will probably be deleted too.

    Again, it's too bad because the video is great, but that sneaky endgame bosses overview had no reason to be there, literally no reason. There's no useful thing to get from that info. Just my 2 cents. I literally have no reason to put effort in the game now, but it is what it is. Peace!

  8. Hey thank you for making this! recently i bought the game on steam cause it was on sale, ive been wanting to play this game for a while but when i bought it i had no idea what i was doing lol. This helped me a lot when playing the game!

  9. This is so great! I had played Terraria what feels like ages ago and went to start playing it again recently and had no clue what I was doing – this is an excellent refresher.

  10. Hi, noob question but after 30+ hours of game can't figure it out: How do you "lock" things into your items bar? Like the "square" around the torch at 0:49 I'll probably kick myself for not figuring it out once I know how, but I can't find it.

  11. Best guide ever!! I’ve watched several videos on all the many games I play.. You can tell you’ve prepared and your flow is awesome. You also do a great job editing your videos and keep the video coinciding with what you’re talking about. Thank you so much! Stay awesome.. I subscribed, liked and favourited these guides, least I can do. Sorry I’m poor, or I’d send you a donation.

  12. This was such a helpful series! I finally started playing Terraria recently (my kids played it years ago) and I just kept thinking "I don't get it. What am I even supposed to be doing here?" I've had so much more fun with the game since watching your series. I watched a few other videos before I found yours, and none of them improved the gameplay experience like yours did. Good stuff!

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