Today, we bring out the medieval in us and take on master mode Terraria with only flails. That’s right, you heard it here first. Nothing better than exponentially limited range against eldritch deities such as the Moon Lord, and various parts of Cthulhu. No. No I will not fight the Empress of Light in master mode with a flail. I would rather drink 12 bottles of liquid aluminum. I would explode, internally and externally. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as comment down below to let me know what you thought about today’s video! Thank you so much for watching, and I can’t wait to see you guys next time.



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  1. 35:00 worst part is that those are also all copies of other games (among us copying werewolf, baldies basics being straight up slender man with bad graphics and poppy playtime probably being a copy of SOMETHING)

  2. first video i've seen from this guy. i can definitely say his name of choice is quite fitting with the way he keeps WAFFLING.

    i love it.

  3. This is my favorite video of the "Can you beat MASTER MODE Terraria" series. WaffleTime's humor made me laugh a lot, especially when he was fighting the Eye of Cthulu

  4. I once lost against King Slime because I got trapped in a Corruption canyon. I also didn't have any decent equipment yet, but I never did one of those "x only"-challenges. Maybe I'll try some some time. Oh, and I also almost never play on master mode. Some bosses are already difficult enough in the normal difficulty.

  5. Lol, the later part of the video is just a rant about mobile game ads. Yes, those suck. Do you know what's the worst part is? Some games actually have decent or even fun content, but it gets ruined by the unlimited amount of ads in it. Some apps even disable the game when you disable the internet in order to play it undisturbed.

    The gate-games are especially confusing (choose path A or B). You can get powerful enough in order to literally bulldoze through the levels, but there isn't an actual goal. It's always the same path, just with different skins in different apps. How the fuck can you even profit off of that?!

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