I secretly made Useless Minecraft items USEFUL!

Twitter – @wispexe
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Friends: @MrJagsterS @ShadowApples @Henwy

#MinecraftBut​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​ #Minecraft


  1. 0:00

    Pufferfish can be used to brew potions of water breathing, insanely helpful

    20 rotten flesh can be turned into an emerald by villagers, easy way to get emerald

    Dead bushes are a good source of sticks if you want to save up wood

  2. Pufferfish: Used for water breathing potions. Rotten flesh: Food source, best when eating a load at once because the effect doesn't stack. can also feed dogs. Dead bush: Sticks and decoration. Gold hoe: Can break hay bales quickly. Good for speedrunning. Granite: A block, can be used for bridging, or building. Goat horn: Can't actually think of a use for this. You can make a war cry when raiding pilligars tho. Fire charge: Are you dumb? Can be used for speedrunning, as it can be found in ruined portal chests and can ignite portals. Beetroot: Can be eaten, beetroot soup, and 15 can be traded for an emerald. Are you saying emeralds are useless now?

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