Well hello there!

Wickedy here and I’m back with another Tips and Tricks video for Stardew Valley!

The 1.5 update added some great new aspects into the game, and with it, I have some more tips to share that I’ve come across while playing a few new farms.

These Tips and Tricks are for both beginners and pros alike! Enjoy.


♦ Wickedy’s 23 Tips and Tricks – https://youtu.be/NrB6rugWTjk
♦ Ancient Fruit Guide – https://youtu.be/diuMr_7ugLQ
♦ Updated Villager Paths – https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/qve9kj/stardew_valley_npc_paths_15_fully_updated/
♦ Wiki Page for Chest – https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Chest
♦ “Best” Friends to make (Updated) – https://www.wickedychickady.com/friends

Video Directory Timestamps:
0:00 30 MORE Tips and Tricks

#1: Best Year 1 Spring Crops for XP – 00:36
#2: Choose Where You Sleep – 01:43
#3: Convenient Selling – 02:03
#4: Cheap Storage – 02:42
#5: Use Screenshots Pro Gamer Move – 03:11
#6: Zooooooom – 03:47
#7: Convenient Chests – 04:10
#8: Stock Up On Tradeables – 04:55
#9: Stop The Cast – 05:19
#10: Iridium At Home – 05:50
#11: Get Your Hoard On – 06:14
#12: Alternative Quartz – 06:51
#13: Free Real Estate – 07:27
#14: Better Fall Rare Event Odds – 08:13
#15: Sweet Sweet Mahogany – 09:15
#16: Wood? Wood! – 10:07
#17: More Hoarding – 10:46
#18: Special Orders Are Special – 11:38
#19: Put A Pan On It – 12:07
#20: Don’t Tell Pierre – 12:34
#21: Trash! – 13:01
#22: “Farming” The Mines – 13:47
#23: Slay On – 14:39
#24: Choosy Geodes – 14:59
#25: Homemade Timer – 15:40
#26: Light The Way – 16:07
#27: A Bit More Room – 16:42
#28 Time Your Gifts – 17:06
#29: I Get What I Want – 17:43
#30: Break It Down – 18:20

18:20 Spoiler Warning

20:00 Wrap Up

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🔥100 New 1.5 Content, Features and Beyond: https://youtu.be/CF85VZ-r8sE

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  1. I remember catching a catfish at level 1 fishing back in the day.

    I felt like Faker.

    Hardest fish to catch is by far an octopus. Way harder than any of the legendaries.

  2. Here’s a little trick of you want to complete the mayors shorts quest but don’t want to befriend Marnie you can get
    trimmed shorts by putting a staircase in the pants area of your character outfit and it counts for the mayors shorts quest

  3. I dont know if this works for 1.5 cuz im on mobile and we all know what version mobile is :')
    Anyway If you have alot of White algea you can make it into pale broth this is worth it bc White algea cost 25 gold each and Pale broth costs 150 (i think) And You need 2 white algae which makes yhe cost 50
    Basically 2 White Algea Costs 50
    1 Pale Broths Costs 150
    So its really worth it
    (It probably Works with the green algae too idk)
    But You need the kitchen soo this is not that good

  4. Oh I play on mobile for Stardew valley and mobile is still in version 1.4 ( Concerned ape said that it’s going to get updated before the end of this month on twitter) and I was wondering why I couldn’t move the bed from the corner of the room by the bed

  5. You answered my question on how to find the mine ladders! Thank you! The blacksmith is making my copper pickaxe. I’m so excited! 😉

  6. Another tip to add onto the first one, if you just have terrible luck (like I often do) kale is actually better than potatoes in terms of gains. Without any extra potatoes (which doesn't usually happen) the potatoes give you a 30g profit per crop, while kale gives you a 40g profit per crop, if you plant 20 kale you'll make about 800g profit. While if you plant 20 potatoes and get an extra 4 on top, you'll earn 840g so you'll have to get an extra potato every 5 potatoes in order to beat kale in profits.

  7. Hello!! I know I'm a bit late to this video but I have a bit of a tip of my own to share which could really help. It also concerns your Day 1 tip about Potatoes vs Kale with Farming Exp

    I personally am Team Potato so I will be using the Potato instead of kale for this tip. The basic premise of this is that Hyper Speed Grow is a bit of a worthless item in my eyes. With the Agriculturalist profession and basic Speed Grow you can get 6 Potato Harvests per Spring Season which is the same as just Hyper Speed Grow on it's own. With Hyper Speed Grow and Agriculturalist you can get 9 harvests per season but you can also get that with Agriculturalist and Deluxe Speed Grow. A lot of crops say 6 days to grow unless they are multi harvest so you can use this information across multiple crops. But if we are going from Day 1 then no way will you have any Speed Grow just yet. But I can show you how to get 2 Potato Harvests before the egg festival

    First off we need to get some numbers. Basic Speed grow will be essential to this run as will at least 1 tapper and it is essential you be on your A-game or have friends helping you. Here is what needs to be done: You need to reach farming Level 3 before Day 12, You need to reach Foraging Level 3 before Day 7. You need to be able to Smelt Copper Bars which means You should at least be Level 5 in the mines for Reliable Copper Spawns. All skills need the same Experience points to level up which means Farming and Foraging have to be Level 3 which is 770XP each. Parsnips give you 8xp on harvest, Potatoes give you 14 per harvest not counting extras which give you nothing and Each Tree Chopped down gives you 12xp and do not remove the stump unless it's in the way of your farming. You only get 1xp for the stump and it's just not worth your starting energy

    With the first 15 parsnips you will get 120xp. If you buy 10 potatoes with your 500 starting Gold then you will get 260xp total from all 25 crops plus a tidy sum to buy more Parsnips and Potatoes with. Before you splash out of Spuds I should say you need 510 more xp which is 64 more parsnips. Your Watering Can will do 40 crops before running out so you do still have energy to spare. On day 2 you unlock Fishing and I manage to get an average of about 8 fish per load without Pierre's backpack upgrade. That money will help you well to afford all the seeds you need and then any spare potatoes you want. The reason you are using 64 Parsnips instead of 37 potatoes is because Potatoes won't grow in time without that Speed grow. Without the Speed Grow the Potatoes you plant will be ready for Harvest directly on the day of the egg festival. Lucky for us you can plant Speed Grow on any stage of Crop Growth aside from fully grown. Do note that growing times on packets do not include the day you put them in the ground. The seed day is not counted in the growth times so always add 1 day to your timer unless you plant the same day you harvest

    Your foraging skill needs to be Level 3 by Day 7. This is because you need Pine Tar to craft Basic Speed Grow and this by far will be the hardest part of your run. To reach Foraging level 3 you need to cut down 65 Trees but again do not remove the stump unless you have to for your farming. Stumps can take as little as 2 days to regrow but in reality it'll probably be about a week unless you are the luckiest little farmer or something. Picking up forageable items grants a tiny bit of XP per item and a good source of energy for you to axe all those trees. At Foraging Level 3 you unlock tappers. You need 2 Copper bars and Wood to make one. When you do just place it on a Pine Tree and wait. Pine tar takes 5-6 days to form so this is why you need the tapper early. As early as possible making this the hardest part of this run

    Mining. You don't need to do much here. Once you have the 20 copper for the furnace you just need 10 more for the 2 bars you need to make per tapper and Copper bars smelt really quickly. Level 5 in the mines should be a reliable source of Copper but ultimately it's hard to wait that long. You can buy them from Clint which will also give you the Furnace recipe but it'll cost you. Time to get that Fishing rod back out eh?. Alternatively the hill top quarry on one of the farm layouts can also do this for you for a lot cheaper

    While you wait for everything to do it's thing and you have some spare time, energy and food: Fishing will be your main money maker. My main haul without the backpack upgrades is about 8 fish and you can raise the thousands with it. It'll be important for your funds while you get those parsnips, Tappers and Potatoes in. Also treasure!! I have a favourite fishing spot which is the furthest tip of the furthest island in the mountain lake. Face the Quarry. Idk but the fish seem to bite more there. Also I get a lot of Iridium fish there at higher fishing levels with higher chances for treasure

    So now we have talked about what you need to do: Yeah getting a friend is probably easier than doing it all yourself but it is doable if you just go about it in a sensible way
    – First thing is first get those 10 Potatoes and get all 25 starting Crops in the ground and watered. While you finish up for the day chop down as many trees as you can but leave the stumps
    – Day 2 get your fishing rod, water your crops and chop down more trees. Eat any food you can get your hands on to help you
    – Day 3: Water your crops and chops down more trees. Eat whatever food you can
    – Day 4 is the same as Day 3
    – Day 5 this is an important day: The mines will be opened and those Parsnips will be ready so get them up and get them sold. Use whatever funds you have made from foraging and fishing and those parsnips to buy 64 more and get them in the ground asap and water them this is also the last day for you to get that Foraging level up to 3. You should also get at least 1 copper piece by this point so if you haven't gotten one form smashing stone on your farm go now to the mines and get one
    – Day 6 you should have done 65 trees by now so head to Clint's and get that copper if you haven't gotten them from the mines already. Your priority now is to smelt 2 copper bars and build at least 1 tapper and get it on a pine tree. Keep in mind only 1 Pine tar and 1 clam makes 5 Speed Grow. but you will be able to get some potatoes out of the ground before day 13 of the Egg Festival
    – Day 7: your first potatoes will be ready. Get them up and get them sold. Use whatever you can to buy more potatoes this will be your second harvest for the egg festival. Get them in the ground and get them watered. Fish up as many fish as you can and get them sold
    – Day 8: Water your crops. Fish the fish. Sell everything but your soul to Jojamart. They don't deserve your soul or your fish for that matter. A little bit of wisdom from a retail worker (me) to you
    – Day 9: Your parsnips will be ready now. If you did all 64 then you will reach Farming Level 3 tonight and get your Speed Grow recipe. You no longer need to grow any more parsnips unless you haven't already donated one to the community center or the 5 Gold quality ones for the quality crops bundle. Fish the fish after watering your crops and sell everything
    – Day 10: Only your potatoes remain. Water them and then fish for more money
    – Day 11: If you planted the tapper same day you got the recipe then good!! This is the first day you get a chance of getting Pine tar. If not no worries you still have tomorrow but you did miss out of the deadline for the egg festival but this has uses as well!!. Continue your fishing and sell what you get. Make sure you put down the Speed Grow as soon as you make it if you did get the Pine tar. You potatoes will now Grow 10% faster which means they'll be ready tomorrow for harvesting in time for the egg festival and you now have some extra funds to buy Strawberries will
    – Day 12: If you didn't get Pine Tar yesterday you got it today. If you plant it down now your potatoes will grow in normally as in they'll be ready tomorrow which is the same day as the Egg festival but after that you can still get 5 Potato harvests instead of 4 for the season. Also After you've spent all you money at the egg festival you now have immediate funds to pick you back up the next day so it's not all bad!!
    – Day 13: It's Egg festival day. If you made it great job you!! If not then at least you won't be super broke like the people who did make it so great job you also!! If you wanna beat Abi at the egg hunt then as soon as you start go around the Sewer entrance and then go along the lake bank through the graveyard and up past Lewis' house. Go around Pam's trailer and then to Evelyn's house then by the Stardrop Saloon. If you hurry you can get at least 9 eggs which is enough to beat Abi and win the prize. You can also do this in reverse and also there is an egg behind Lewis' house you can get if you are fast enough. Fyi i tried drinking coffee beforehand and the buff didn't last so don't hedge your bets on speed buffs. Good luck!!

  8. I removed all the regular trees and now all that grows on my farm is mahogany trees. I have a bunch of wood chippers and have built up my stock of wood and hardwood. Imo it’s better to have mahogany trees on the farm instead of regular trees because it is so much more space efficient for getting the most amount of wood.

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