1. I wish the Ravager and Strider had a lower texel density like the Ghast does (I.e. big mobs use fewer pixels in their texture to show that they're big). It's a subtle but important part of Minecraft's art style that Mojang has been ignoring.

  2. For all those talking about how mean Microsoft/ mojang are for removing the accounts and what not, i dont think its possible to handle this much better than they did. They started the migration roughly 3 years ago and let people not only know through the launcher, but through email too. Realistically, if they did what they said they were going to do, this would have been done already as they initially were saying that they were going to cut the cable a year later on the old accounts. Yet here we are. Idk if they are sending out emails to the remaining account holders, if not thats something they could improve (i have already migrated at this point so idk). However, maybe its just me, but this feels like if you loose your account at this point, its more on you than them.

  3. Account migration was a frickin joke. I migrated, the microsoft account messed something up. Can't access Minecraft. Mojang support says Microsoft is now responsible for this and there seems to be no way to contact a Microsoft support that feels responsible. And i am not going to pay for another copy.

  4. Im quite worried since I tend to build an iron farm using the janky long hitboxes of the ravenger to kill the iron golems. I hope the farm still works

  5. I love that you included the date in your narration for audio listeners! I listen to so much YouTube while I'm at work, and it's always a bit frustrating when a key detail is conveyed exclusively through the visuals and I miss it.

  6. Can we appreciate how X is so updated with al the new snapshots? Super amazing of you to compile all the info into a digestible video! ❤

  7. It is a little worrying that Minecraft now requires a Microsoft account, and Microsoft recently changed the TOS to allow them to punish you for actions outside of Minecraft, etc.

  8. I don't get how people can complain about accounts being deleted that haven't accepted the migration. You had a very generous amount of time of like 2 years, if someone is hasn't played in 10 years chances are they aren't going to be missing their minecraft account they haven't touched after all this time. Most games occasionally go through a name purge of some kind, and minecraft is over a decade old. And it's not like you lose anything other than spending another 20 dollars to make a new account in that chance people come back

  9. There will soon come a day where nobody will download the newest version of Minecraft
    … and we will just play in an old version cuz it will be more fun

    I think it will be the update where we can’t build on the Nether roof and another villager nerf

  10. People won't have to worry if the villager update is as experimental as the combat update because they won't release it anyway.

  11. I think that the biome specific thing is bad as some people are on survival islands or can’t find a specific biome. Also some people might spend a lot of time trying to figure out which biome is which. For example on pocket edition their is no way to no without cheats. Specifically slash locate which still only has a radius

  12. isn't the jukebox outputting a redstone signal now when it has a music disk in it? could explain the dragon head and piglin head

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