I’m looking for some help please, for bedrock. I’m trying to stop the minecart, dispense one item from the hopper into it, and then let it carry on down the track. I’m using a detector rail and repeater with delay to trigger a piston when the minecart is in position. That piston pushes up an observer, which sends a one tick pulse to the block with a redstone torch on it that’s locking the hopper. That pulse unlocks the hopper for one tick, letting one item through. When the piston lowers, I’m using the pulse from the observer coming back down to open the trapdoor and let the minecart through.

If I remove the detector rail and trigger it manually with a lever or button on the side of the piston it dispenses one item, but if I trigger the system with the detector rail it always dispenses two items. Any ideas why?


by exit_whale

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