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Stardew Valley Spouses: Good to Evil

We are branching off from our Nintendo Bread and Butter today to talk about one of the internetโ€™s favorite indie games; Stardew Valley. Whether youโ€™re looking to relax with a farm Sim or delve deep into achievement hunting, this game has a little something for everyone. And whether we like to admit it or not, we keep coming back for the romance options as well.

There are plenty of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in Pelican Town, all of whom can be romanced by a male or female character. We know because weโ€™ve pursued all of them in the name of research. They all offer different benefits in terms of game mechanics. But who is the best spouse from a moral standpoint?


๐ŸŽฎ Stardew Valley Seasons Worst to Best โ€” https://bit.ly/39b68TF
๐ŸŽฎ Nintendo Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/3fIr974
๐ŸŽฎ Nintendo Villains: Weak to Powerful โ€” https://bit.ly/3nK566c
๐ŸŽฎ KIrby Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/312QsdG
๐ŸŽฎ Super Mario Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/3ch0Gww
๐ŸŽฎ Paper Mario Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/30ZPO0z
๐ŸŽฎ Mario & Luigi Series: Good to Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/2RcSSVt
๐ŸŽฎ Luigiโ€™s Mansion Characters: Good to Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/392aR6R
๐ŸŽฎ The Legend of Zelda Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/2U0XpLN
๐ŸŽฎ Bowserโ€™s Troops: Weak to Powerful โ€” https://bit.ly/3CpsAkH
๐ŸŽฎ Animal Crossing: Good to Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/3wTjYkW
๐ŸŽฎ Wario Ware Characters: Good to Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/3Cq1NV8
๐ŸŽฎ Nintendo 64 Villains: Evil to Most Evil โ€” https://bit.ly/3zec2uK

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๐Ÿฌ POKEBINGE โ€” Pokemon Channel โ€” https://bit.ly/3BxX0lc
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Voice Over by Kifinosi (YouTube: https://bit.ly/3gcnPm3)

Script Written by Cat Voleur
Twitter โ€” https://www.twitter.com/Cat_Voleur
Website โ€” http://www.catvoleur.com/

Video Edited by Md Asad Al Hossain
Media Assistants: Luka Lalosevic, Kristijan Vukovic & Trixia Salonga
Produced by Kyle J. Beauregard


  1. I married Alex and he is so sweet. He is always watering my plants and repairing the fence posts and cooking meals. He is so kind and he regularly visits his grandparents.

  2. I kinda feel bad for Haley seeing as she was rude at first meeting but so was Shane! Both Shane and Haley provide a realistic spectrum of what people irl are like. Shane is rude bc he has trust issues and depression and Haley is rude bc she was kinda raised spoiled (i could be wrong here but I saw it on google) but both of them make great character development.

  3. Ok I can tell just by your comments ont Leah that your analysis of characters shouldn't be taken too seriously.

    Yes it's true that if you punch her ex, Leah says it's violent. Then what does she do? Does she end the picnic? Does she reprimend you on your behavior? No. Instead, Leah invites you to into a secluded part of the woods to continue your little picnic, "in private".
    Seeing you punching her ex got her excited and she wanted to jump your bone behind a bush. But I understand how a guy who thinks asking a woman if she owns a bikini is sexist, wouldn't understand basic human courtship.

  4. omg Haley is my baby! She showed the most growth out of all the characters. She started off spoiled and entitled yes, but once your relationship with her grows she starts to show a lot more maturity. She makes a real effort to contemplate how her life will change when living on a farm and I was really touched by that. As a wife, she was considerate, supportive and thoughtful, always thinking of her wife (me) and never about herself. She is such a sweetie in marriage. I married all the characters and she was by far my favourite. I dunno, call me crazy, but I think first impressions are often wrong and people are allowed to change. I loved her character ark. But then again, I tend to like characters that are flawed and work hard to grow and change (some of my heroes are Simba lol, Ash from Evil Dead, No Face from Spirited Away). I'm SO surprised Elliot is in the "good" camp. He was a horrible husband. He was someone who was totally fixated on himself. Haley does more farm work than he does haha. AND she cooks way more than Elliot. The only thing he can make is coffee LOL

  5. Sam and Penny are both dirty cheaters and theres a chance the cutscene of them in the tree will happen if you're married. They CANNOT be good. Bad list.

  6. Sam, Elliot and possibly Sabasthian, yes, Doctor, Alex, Shane, oh no no no and more no. For dating and marriage. Doctor is creepy, Shane is a druggie/ and filthy with his stuff and Alex is a jock going no where, who's also sexist. I play as a girl. I don't like the female candidates as possible marriage partners even playing a character that is a male . Clint and Kent would be guys that I would like to date, but they aren't available. I used to think that if I were a guy I'd go for Robin, maybe even Jodi, but they aren't available. Why isn't Marnie available? Marlon thinks that she looks lovely at the dance, he should have asked her to dance. I guess that it's only for younger people? I'd like to knock Demetrious sideways. He's stupid when it comes to people and he treats Sabastian like an unwanted doll. I used to respect the mayor, but no more. The way that he treats Marnie is beyond shameful. He miss uses the towns funds to make an gold idol of himself rather than making sure that the bus keeps running๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜ก

  7. I'm married to sebastian, hes been nothing but sweet to me. often helps around how he can by fixing fences, feeding animals and filling our cats water bowl, he often tells me how much he loves me and involves himself in adapting to be a new father. he has never made any references to the income I make only that he really appreciates all the work I do.

    alternatively I had a previous save file where I married sam. In that save file sam was okayish although usually distant and I'd get a bit irritated with how little he did to help out and everything.
    All in all I personally prefer sebastian over sam but not everyone will.
    I do wish that the marriage candidates did more and involved themselves more in the life around them like having cut scenes with the children and mini events you could participate with them, I used to get really annoyed with sam because he would never take the children to the annual town events and he'd often leave the house while I had to do stuff around the farm so the children were left in the house alone, during this he'd often be visiting family so he could have taken the kids with him or something, I just find theres not really a relationship between the spouses and children.

    I've gone on a bit of a rant there huh, my bad got a little side tracked ๐Ÿ˜…
    I've seen other players say differently about their experiences with them so I think its slightly random and you have a chance of either

  8. During the event where you get to punch kel imagine you where Leah and your lover decides to punch your ex out of nowhere like damn, I am a petite artist and you punch my ex we had some good memories together. But then if your lover tried reasoning and its not going well, your gonna get more angry and she might have a short fuse we dont know. So she punched him because he(kel) wasnt trying to be civil. He wasnt trying to talk it out. Its just reasoning with kel would go nowhere but if you dont try you could look like an asshole. Leah saw you tried talking to him twice even it did nothing first leah then you so she decided to try the second option. Thats why Leah is the best spouse.

  9. Haley is sweetest soul, after you know her she shares that she will donate all her clothes to people who can't afford it, she also helps at faem

  10. You donโ€™t give haley enough credit, she is one of the sweetest characters in the game, you just have to get to know her better. Yes i started to pursue haley for her looks but i stuck around for the kindness she shows to people she cares about

  11. leah's reaction is completely reasonable… i dont know wtf you are talking about? are you saying that it is the same thing to you if you get into someones face or if someone is robbing you of that decission to impress you?… you make a video overanalyzing those characters and then decide to be superficial in the judgement of your own analyzed result? thats hillarious dude… and tbh, the rest of the video is pretty much exactly the same route. superficial af… actually it feels like you overjudged the characters intentionally to be able to make this video… or you simply dont understand nuances…

  12. I have to say at first when I was pursuing Alex I was pretty annoyed with his sexist and creepy commentary but I already had so many hearts with him compared to everyone else that I didnโ€™t want to start from scratch and go after somebody else. So therefore I continued to pursue him and he was very quick to romance and very sweet right before and after we got married.

    I have yet to have kids with him but as someone else commented heโ€™s good to their kids so at the end of the day thatโ€™s all that will matter to me if heโ€™s sweet to me and his future children. His past and his immature personality doesnโ€™t bother me because as Iโ€™ve been seeing it heโ€™s learning to grow and mature.

    Even if he wasted 5000g just to make a room to watch football in at the saloon, instead of something beneficial to us both, I donโ€™t mind because every guy deserves a place where they can take a breather and have some alone time to themselves to not over stress from things.

    So all in all I wouldnโ€™t personally put Alex in the gold section but I definitely wouldnโ€™t put him in the bad either. Everyone deserves a chance to change and become better and heโ€™s definitely proven to my character he can and did want to change. So to me heโ€™d get a silver medal๐Ÿค—

  13. "if you disagree, he tells you it's his space and he can do what he wants" i mean, is he wrong for that though?? it is in his room, just because you're married to him doesn't mean he has to do whatever you want lmao

  14. I get the feeling that you havenโ€™t actually played this game, or at east paid attention to the character arcs in the game. There are no bad spouses.

  15. I definitely disagree with u abt shane, heโ€™s not the worst father in the game by far because heโ€™s always super excited abt ur children. he also is very loving in marriage and I donโ€™t think he becomes worse with it at all

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