1. there’s also one that may only work for mobile and that needs a friend/second device, if you give someone an item and then close your application then you will come back with that same item still in your inventory and the copy with your friend/second account inventory

  2. I did that glitch, it works but I completely forgot how to do it and I was confused when I joined a couple of worlds and I have like 9999 iron

  3. Do it with explosive bunnies 🐰 to instantly kill any boss you want except moon lord because he has different hit points and spots you have to kill

  4. That happened with me naturally: I rage quitted without saving after a boss, but the potions I used stayed in the chest…and in my inv

  5. I accidentally did this in my phone with my Vortex Beater.. when I logged back on I was so confused on why I have 1 on my inventory and on my chest

  6. I'm playing my first world of terraria, so I prefer to not use any bug right now, but this will be useful in the future.

    You guys have any tips? I haven't defeated the wall of flesh at the moment, probably today or tomorrow I'll try

  7. Funfact: If you die, and then save&exit while waiting to respawn thinking your items stay with you, the character itself is deleted

  8. Dude real story I lost 2 zenith 1 terraprisma all variations of biome keys and a shellphone because I for got to turn on the autosave two months of hard work and afk lost 😭🥺☠️

  9. I used to do this way back on 360 because you could go on to the save data, and the player save data was separate from the world save data… Lol

  10. Fun fact mobile has a special button too duplicate youre item but you need at least 2 of them cus the duplicate buttons need one item too duplicate it în 255 of the same item soo yeap mobile player dont need this glithc ( the special buton is not on pc)

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