I have some phrases about Stardew Valley, the characters, and the future of the game. The four content creators I’ve selected need to decide if they agree or disagree with the statement. Will all of the YouTubers think alike? This is just part one, so if you enjoyed it, watch for the second!

Here’s my friends that I featured!
@ArgonMatrix – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6pmlkI1WbrZFOWlXtOwCQ
@CharlieBarley – https://www.youtube.com/@CharlieBarley
@Wickedy – https://www.youtube.com/@Wickedy
@SeanieDew – https://www.youtube.com/@SeanieDew

0:00 – Intro
0:38 – Pam does not deserve the House Upgrade
2:37 – Stardew Valley is a relaxing game
5:20 – The space for unique SV content is running out
9:57 – I would rather CA work on Haunted Chocolatier, than on Stardew Valley
12:38 – There are too many Stardew Valley-like games

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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๐Ÿ’œ Twitch – http://www.twitch.tv/salmence100
๐ŸŠ Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/salmence
๐Ÿ•ถ Tik Tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@salmence?lang=en
๐Ÿฆ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Salmence100


  1. the capability of the stardew valley game engine shows its indie teeth, it would be for the best for CA to refine his work in HC. it might have more capabilities than SDV has.

  2. Really gotta just mention here that Cattails has a much richer development history than just being "like Stardew". It's essentially a spiritual successor to Warrior Cats: Untold Tales, of which the first version released in 2011! I'm sorry for the kind of off-topic comment, I'm just really proud of how the little game I played for hours as a kid has lead to something much bigger and more complete.
    Also every game should have farming or gardening in it. Lemme in that dirt.

  3. As a nonbinary person, I'd like to play as a nonbinary person without having to override both gender options with a mod (taking away choices instead of adding another option). If ConcernedApe plans on adding another gender option eventually (which I doubt), then great! If not, I'll still play itโ€”the lack of gender neutral options on its own doesn't turn me off of a gameโ€”but I might try going to other games to feel represented. I really want to get Coral Island working on my computer and I might consider playing Haunted Chocolatier if there's nonbinary options (despite not being as interested in the combat elements).

  4. I love that he start's off with "Don't worry, none of these questions can make you look bad" and the very first question is "does this person deserve a house" lol

  5. I'm only a newbie player (playing for about a year now) but I'd love to jump in on some of these one day. You ask great questions. And Stardew Valley is relaxing and frustrating as heck. I would have also answered neutrally there. lol

  6. I struggle with fishing so much that some of the content is locked for meโ€ฆI play on Switch so itโ€™s really frustrating to fish. Iโ€™m on Year 6 and havenโ€™t finished the CC or gotten to the bottom of Skull Cavern, or gotten four candles.

  7. Stardew valley is a relaxing game if you are an expert! For casual players its all questions and no answers, i can't fully enjoy it until i look up a guide and then im just disappointed in myself for not knowing so much stuff in this " relaxing " game ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  8. Something I'd love to see in Stardew's future is just a lot more achievements, especially like funny or niche ones. Like an achievement for increasing bad gifts, say give out 100 hated gifts and get a little devil horns hat or something like that. Maybe even achievements for length, like reach farm year 50 and get a wearable grey beard

  9. The fact that Little witch in the woods was shown while Seanie was talking about uninspired Stardew rip-offs made me GASP
    The audacity

  10. I thought it was relaxing at first.. till I reached my first winter and found out I made a mistake 10 before by not getting the greenhouse and so wasted most of my winter

  11. Personally I find it hard to agree to any "there is too much of X game on the market" (excluding scams/ asset flips of course) discourse. As by saying yes, I feel you are innately judging a games to be less than simply for deciding to go to the wrong niche. Sure many of them are probably not worth peoples time, but you can't get any diamonds in the rough if you try to get rid of all the rough.

  12. To the youtuber that said it does not need new updatesโ€ฆ. I disagree, mobile has no way to do multiplayer and it would be nice for it to get the minecraft treatment where its crossplay between all platforms

  13. Skyrim is an 11 year old game with millions of people who play and hundreds of mods with high numbers still being released every day

  14. I actually agree with Seanie in that Stardew is not relaxing for new players. I've tried to get unto the game but when i realized there were time limits for specific events that needed to get done i found myself stressed beyond relief. everyone seemed to make it seem like there was no goal and i could go at my own pace like animal crossing but then i found out there's specific goals that need to be met by specific times and i just cant deal with time limits, especially when i didn't know the ropes of the game at all…. (tbh idk if this changed or if maybe the wiki was wrong about this but I just know it made the game less fun and turned me away from it because the impression i was given was wildly different than what i got when playing the game.)

  15. 2:40 nuh uh, EXTREMELY disagree, I would destroy the wall on the left side to go beyond the line. One word: TIME. Here's the thing, unlike Terraria where you can just goof around till one month and then proceed to do another boss, you can't do that in Stardew Valley. You have schedules, events, limited time 6AM to 2AM, Granpa's evaluation, crops, animal happiness, villager events and happiness, ETC.

    Might be unhinged, but I do still think that Terraria is the most relaxing game ever because there's almost no time constraints. There's few like fishing quest, boss battle time limit, herb farm, night and day events, and etc.

    Stardew Valley is an epitome of "WORK" game, you cannot even chill for one second. After you get up at 6AM, you go check TV, check your farm, water, check cave, harvest, water, check your animals, feed, pet, pet cat, fill bowl, talk to villager, give gifts, check board, check forages, check your equipments, and then DO something else (mining, fishing, etc) ALMOST EVERYDAY (except winter).

  16. the only reason i'd not consider stardew valley as very relaxing would be passing out daily at exactly 2 am. why can't i just work/adventure/idle through a night and just get overworked by a debuff later on and maybe take a short nap in the day? xd

  17. So what I get from this video… is that Shauny is getting ready to retire from Stardew. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Either that, or they just enjoy being contrarian, and/or playing devil's advocate. lol

  18. Watching this again after Seanie's pumpkin-cranberry battle with Sal and looking for the lack of Seanie's moustache in far away shots is insane. Something I wouldn't have noticed had Sal not admitted to it. Amazing video.

  19. Pam totally deserves the house upgrade. She's fine when you talk to her, has a job as a bus driver and don't forget that the trailer only has ONE bedroom which she gives to her daughter while she sleeps on the couch.

    Stardew valley is not relaxing when you get to endgame. The skull cavern is not relaxing at all so i slightly disagree. It really depends on the person if it's relaxing.

    Unique content, I don't think it's running out, you just need to get more creative.

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