Terraria updates that didn’t happen

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In today’s video we’ll be talking about Terraria Updates and ideas that were talked about by the developers but later scrapped! Let’s take a look back at some of the Terraria updates that didn’t happen




  1. eu queria que lançasse dlc para expandir o mapa de terraria e colocar mair biomas porque com mais biomas podemos ter mais monstros diferentes e com itens de drops diferentes e até bosses diferentes para cada bioma

  2. I'm surprised the ocean invasion event concept wasn't mentioned here, even if it was just an april fool's joke

    I've got a mini theory that duke's theme was originally supposed to be the invasion's theme, mostly just because i feel it fits more as that than it does as a boss theme lol

    …though that's assuming they were really going to make a whole invasion event for a joke, so idk

  3. Of these I really want seasons. It'd likely be a secret seed, if I were to guess.

    The Swamp sounds neat too. I can see it in my head and it's awesome.

    On the note of the ocean and planets, I really wish the Ocean and Space were both bigger for building. As-is, there's not a ton of space for building an archipelago, or a space station, etc., and there's no way to expand those biomes. Actually, being able to create artificial layer/Ocean biomes would be sick. If the game won't expand the size of those biomes, let the player do it!

    Re: Mods, there's a few mods for these things already. There's an overhaul mod that adds seasons, but also a ton of other mechanics and big changes to the game, which may not be ideal. You can get artificial ocean and space biomes with another mod (I dunno if it affects spawns too). IIRC, Calamity expands Space a little bit, but it's Calamity, so not always ideal, and it doesn't expand it that much anyway.

  4. I think that the developers should add seasons, at least spring and winter. And I even suggested this idea on the forum, but no one answered me 🙁

    I think that it is not necessary to make a new mechanic for this. This mechanic is partially already there and it is tied to real time (when enemies dress up in costumes for Halloween or when Santa comes for Christmas). You can simply change the textures of the grass and leaves to more golden colors in the fall and snowy in the winter. And you could also dress up NPCs in appropriate costumes (at least in winter).

    If you are interested in seeing how it looks, you can look at my post on the forum, it named "Changing textures depending on the season" by gonqi, if you like it, please support it!

  5. The Overhaul mod used to have seasons, weather, flooding and snowing and even fires, but sadly when things was converted to 1.4 all of that vanished from the mod.

    I really hope ReLogic adds in seasons and more weather types, maybe fires too. I feel Terraria could use some flavor like this to make the game more lively.

  6. volcano biomes would be cool as a sub-biome of hell that you could bring to the surface with ash grass in a similar fashion to mushroom biomes. Maybe there could even be a special npc like with the truffle that’s a demon of some sort

  7. I've always thought the ocean needed more it always had such a good atmosphere and the ocean caves only added to that I really hope we see something in 1.4.5

  8. It would be nice to have more holidays in Terraria to replace the idea of seasons. I know that Old Console versions had more holidays already; it would be nice if Re-Logic revisited them, and fluffed them up a little, while leaving behind things that don't match the game's standards today, like Lepus and Turkor.

  9. The real question is: when are Re-Logic finally going to make Terraria 2? The problem I see is that Terraria, as it is, just isn't built for some of that content. Let's be real, most of the biomes in Terraria are still really lacking in depth as it is. For some of them, world size can be a bit of a constraint, while others, though vast in their underground portions, are still lacking some real meat around their bones. There are many biomes I would like to see, like a volcano biome, desert bluffs, mountains, swamp, tundra, salt plains and more. But with Terraria as it is, I'm just not sure Re-logic can really warrant adding those in. Not to mention, we already have so many blocks, bricks and walls– enough to the point where it almost seems pointless to add more. And let's also be honest about something. Terraria's UI is TERRIBLE! The crafting UI is especially miserable to work with! I think if they're going to keep working on the game, they should really just work on refining things and working on ways to make already existing content more interesting. Heck, there can still be a small team that works on that, and Red has talked about splitting the teams in the past. But in large, they should move on from Terraria 1. The modding community can keep it going for as long as people want it to, especially with how big the modding scene has become in the last few years. It's also been 13 years since the game released, and Red keeps talking about Terraria 2 after every big update, but he and the team keep on sucking themselves back into Terraria 1. While more content is great, there's rarely anything interesting enough that the modding community couldn't have already made, there is so much more than can be done in a new games, especially when people have spoken time and time again about engine limitations.

    Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. I love Terraria, but I've been at over 3000 hours with the game since 1.3 in 2015, and I have yet to even reach my 3700th hour since then. I do still revisit it for a playthrough after every patch, but that's about it, and I'm just ready for something new from Re-Logic that isn't just another patch, because the game is mostly still the same at this point.

  10. I'd love to see some of those "alien worlds" and "harder worlds" show up in secret seeds. I think that system might also be able to be modded to include some of the invasion upgrades too.

    Picture a seed modifier that makes the world permemently invaded by goblins, with prebuilt structures. The dungeon is a gob fortress, and so forth.

    Likewise, "deeper hell" sounds like a lovely modded secret seed.

    Honestly? The more I hear about things from the past, that didn't quite happen, the more that I say, yha, there could be a secret seed that does something like that. And if the engine is robust enough, if they don't maybe mods will.

  11. i think one of the best update idea would be the adding random npcs that would serve no purpose, had some random dialogues, just to fill the eternal void of worlds with lots of buildings

  12. here is an idea, have an extreme and savage mode version of the bosses, like the base bosses would have the hard mode versions but have the skin of the base bosses but in a madder version, eye of cathulu as the twins, eater of worlds has destroyer though besides the metal eyes have corruptors spawn, and skelitron as its prime version then the hard mode versions as a more savage versions by adding more mechanics to them

  13. I would really love to have at least one boss for every biome… Depending on if you count the Duke as an Ocean boss or a mushroom boss since the word comes from the mushroom fields, we would still not have a boss for one of the two… and what’s with the desert? Maybe even a big spider cave with a boss? A boss for a glowing moss biome? A boss that is spawned if you throw something in the shimmer? A boss for the sky islands? A boss for Marble/Granite? I know this is just asking for more bosses but I really like how terraria gets you into visiting a variety of places throughout the game and I would love even more of a reason to go to some of these obscure places that you not encounter in some of your playthroughs… Another thing would be pylons… I really like them but I think some more would be great… most notably a sky island pylon… I know the Forest pylon is a thing and the universal one too and you can make the sky island a biome but I still like the idea… right now I always make my aether biome into a hallowed cave for the sake of the pylon network but it keeps me from having a pylon in the hallow… I know this is just nitpicking but I really like the idea of pylons and think that more would be lovely…

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