ive been wanting to do a hanging city base cocept for a long while now, but never known where to start. i finaly said fuck it and made something in any style. but being honest im not really a fan of the japanese house style but i dont know what else can be hung in a cave.
please give input on how to improve/ what other styles can be hung in a cave.
oh and please send any refrences of hanging houses if you have any, i havent found any yet :P.
ive been wanting to do a hanging city base cocept for a long while now, but never known where to start. i finaly said fuck it and made something in any style. but being honest im not really a fan of the japanese house style but i dont know what else can be hung in a cave.
please give input on how to improve/ what other styles can be hung in a cave.
oh and please send any refrences of hanging houses if you have any, i havent found any yet :P.
So cool it’s built in a cave