accidentally got the dirtiest block

by Techsh0tYT


  1. You’ve used up all your luck for this world. Keep in mind that it has a 0.00076% chance of being found. It is also affected by the fact that you can find up to 3 in a small world, 6 in a medium world, and 9 in a large world.

    Anyway GG 🗿

  2. Its literally in the exact spot that this “easiest dirt block seed” youtube video spawns you at. Same tree formation with the ledge to the left, same distance from that ledge. Looks like a stone wall was added for some reason. and you waited quite a bit in this save before you got it. enough for a tree to grow 👍


    Surely this is just a 1 in a 999,999,999 chance.

    Please don’t delete this post, this is the only time i will ever be useful on this sub.

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