I have one on my farm, one at the mines, one at the volcano, one at skull cavern, etc and I keep my bombs and spicy eel and staircases and everything in it. That way I can access my mining equipment no matter where I’m going.
Special_South_8561 on
You right click on it and it opens up. Any J Chest you open will have the same contents.
I like to keep my Tools in there, I have them at each dungeon and farmhouse
Ok-Equivalent-7308 on
Tools when I go mining or extra crap I can’t carry from one place to another in one trip. I wish there was a large Junimo chest though. Even 12-16 pockets would be nice. I always have to go back and forth between ginger island and my farm to move product to sheds and other chests.
Sweatythigs03 on
i don’t, hope this helps!
Mostly use it for tools that I don’t use everywhere but may need access to in certain situations like the watering can.
I keep a chest outside of main areas like my farm, the ginger island farm, skull cavern and the volcano. That way I don’t have to run all the way back to my farm in a situation where I need one of them but forgot to pack them.
emperos on
Multiplayer, I’m on the island and she’s on the farm – hey can you send me some ancient seed packets?
I have one on my farm and one on ginger island where I keep things like bombs, foods and things like that for when im going to the volcano. I hope to be able to get a couple more so I can put one in mines to make it easier to transport sell-able items back to the farm.
Good question. Thank you for asking. I have three and have not used them cos idk how. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)
DruidByNight on
I used to keep one on Ginger island and one near my other chests on the farm, but I don’t use it anymore after building obelisks
JaxOffalotDev on
Reading the comments….you could have more than two this whole time?
Even-Cup-867 on
One at the volcano entrance, one at Skull cavern, one at the mines, one on the porch of both homes.
In the mines they hold: hoe, watering can, scythe, axe and fishing rod. And the pickaxe if I am going into the Skull caverns.
While out and about they hold: Infinity Sword with crusader enchantment, a stack of mega bombs, a stack of salads, some prismatic rock candy, ginger ale, and lucky lunches.
The only thing that’s always on my person is an Infinity gavel with artistic enchantment.
I have one on my farm, one at the mines, one at the volcano, one at skull cavern, etc and I keep my bombs and spicy eel and staircases and everything in it. That way I can access my mining equipment no matter where I’m going.
You right click on it and it opens up. Any J Chest you open will have the same contents.
I like to keep my Tools in there, I have them at each dungeon and farmhouse
Tools when I go mining or extra crap I can’t carry from one place to another in one trip. I wish there was a large Junimo chest though. Even 12-16 pockets would be nice. I always have to go back and forth between ginger island and my farm to move product to sheds and other chests.
i don’t, hope this helps!
Mostly use it for tools that I don’t use everywhere but may need access to in certain situations like the watering can.
I keep a chest outside of main areas like my farm, the ginger island farm, skull cavern and the volcano. That way I don’t have to run all the way back to my farm in a situation where I need one of them but forgot to pack them.
Multiplayer, I’m on the island and she’s on the farm – hey can you send me some ancient seed packets?
Working on something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/wgh7te/fully_automated_wine_maker_in_stardew_valley/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) except I’m using the Casks Anywhere mod to scale this up to 1000 casks. Also I plant other crops sometimes so I won’t be putting one next to the Junimo huts.
I have one on my farm and one on ginger island where I keep things like bombs, foods and things like that for when im going to the volcano. I hope to be able to get a couple more so I can put one in mines to make it easier to transport sell-able items back to the farm.
I have used them together with the Automate mod. I can place one connecting a huge area of kegs and preserves jars in the desert (or quarry, or tunnel) and place one on my farm with a conductor to a regular chest. The fruit I put into the chest on the farm feeds into the kegs/jars and the product made by the machines feeds into the chest on the farm for easy collection. My [older post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/14qmh03/use_automate_mod_combined_with_2_junimo_chests/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).
Good question. Thank you for asking. I have three and have not used them cos idk how. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)
I used to keep one on Ginger island and one near my other chests on the farm, but I don’t use it anymore after building obelisks
Reading the comments….you could have more than two this whole time?
One at the volcano entrance, one at Skull cavern, one at the mines, one on the porch of both homes.
In the mines they hold: hoe, watering can, scythe, axe and fishing rod. And the pickaxe if I am going into the Skull caverns.
While out and about they hold: Infinity Sword with crusader enchantment, a stack of mega bombs, a stack of salads, some prismatic rock candy, ginger ale, and lucky lunches.
The only thing that’s always on my person is an Infinity gavel with artistic enchantment.