yes, that’s all my gold and copper, no it’s not all of my wood. and i ended up recovering the sword.

by Snoo53248


  1. Autistic-wifey on

    Tip, put a chest or two at the top of the mines, level 0. Unload everything you don’t need into the chest before going into the mines. If your bag is full you can easily leave at an elevator level, unload, and go back in. Take home what you want when you’re done and leave anything less important for later. Also, leave some stuff there for when you go to the mines. Food, bombs, ammo if you use the slingshot. I do this at all the different mines so I don’t loose important stuff, even though I would definitely reset the day but just incase and because I always forget and bring stuff I don’t need in the mines or forget to bring food.

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