for a while i’ve had an idea for a three-layer nether, with a serene top and an evil bottom (regular nether in middle)

by -FireNH-


  1. the idea is the top layer (maybe called the altum?) would be where your portal spawns and would be comparatively safer and serene, though very alien. the middle layer would be the standard nether with piglins and fortresses and everything we know and love. the bottom layer (maybe called the infernum?) would be located underneath larval lakes. it would be corrupted and unforgiving with wither spreading throughout. idk if i’ll actually make this into a mod or not (i’ve really only dabbled in server-side) but i just want thoughts ! 😀

  2. adderthesnakegal on

    the “Yttr” mod kind of does something similar by overhauling the nether roof, and iirc there’s another separate mod that adds a deepslate-like lower part to the nether as well, though every time i’ve tried to use that one it just crashes unfortunately

  3. the crystal caves in bottom left look like they’re made of obsidian or something, obsidian caves

  4. In the evil bottom there could be a ruined structure containing information about ancient builders and ruined wither soulsand structure and telling lore about them

  5. Hey do you guys remeber Dantes inferno. And how bottom of the hell was freezed cold. Devil sleep frozen at the bottom of the hell

  6. This looks kinda like a map art I have in my world. I made a 3 piece map art that goes from the overworld on the surface, into the caves, and then into the nether below the underground.

  7. backsided-spring on

    This is SOO GOOD especially the part with the portal spawning. Love it, very thoughtful and creative.

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