1. [my socials](https://linktr.ee/thaboar)

    I’ve been on a few servers hosted by friends and usually they all gradually stop playing whenever the ender dragon is killed for some reason, so I thought I’d try depicting it with this. I also just havent tried depicting the End in the comic before so I thought I’d try doing so in this. Anyway this might be the last minecraft comic I’ll make for a little bit, so follow my reddit profile if you want to keep up with all my comics and other projects, thats all.

  2. Filberto_ossani2 on

    btw, adding the “end” to Minecraft might be one of the worst and the best core-decisions

    The idea that a game like Minecraft can have an ending very weird

    And it limits people’s mindsets. Because why keep playing if you already reached the “end”

    1.9 kinda tried to fix that by adding the outer islands

    but in people’s minds, it just moved the ending to the point where you get an elytra, even though it wasn’t intended

    Minecraft shouldn’t have an ending. It’s a sandbox game and it shouldn’t tell me where my journey should end

    But due to having the End, the journey’s of many people look like a straight line while it should be more like a path with many branches and great achievements along the way

    But having the one point where Minecraft ends gave birth to the whole Minecraft speedrunning genre which is extremely popular

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