1. “Minecraft Fans” when you can’t have your own opinion and like new stuff, do we need to have this stupid discussion every time they release anything new? You can tell others that you dont like the update but making fun of people that enjoy it is such a stupid thing to do.

  2. Filberto_ossani2 on

    At least this multibillion company is communicating with its community well

    They said that the updates from now on will be smaller

    Also, it’s nice that they continue Notch’s tradition of giving us free updates without any subscriptions or other stuff like that. I know they do it mainly because the community would be outraged if the updates stopped

  3. you do realize that they are going to do multiple of these small updates a year now instead of one big one? or did you just not get the news?

  4. You do realise this is probably not everything that’s coming in the update? Just look at the previous update and it’s livestream. They quite literally only show things that are being polished and not in development after 1.19.

  5. They said we will get smaller updates. They said it multiple times before and during the translation. Why people are complaining? Creaking and its garden will get released most likely this year.

    Also, I’d never defend Microsoft, they don’t deserve it. The Minecraft Live 2024 was 30 minutes long, out of this only 10 minutes were interesting things like the new biome or insight on how they developed the bundles. And the rest is 20 minutes of advertisements for things that Mojang devs don’t care about, but Microsoft do.

  6. Of course it’s bland, it’s unfinished. They said that at the start of the live. Hopefully we’ll get more from the update but it’s kinda sad how toxic the minecraft community has become. An actually good thing to complain about is what happened to fixing bedrock before hardcore…

  7. “I interpreted you as the fat guy! I won!” I hate that meme so much, like I get you not liking the drop but this is too big of a stretch

  8. I mean, I think Minecraft has fundamental problems with how it balances the game, structures are too common, loot is often not worth it, and there are too many forgetful features.

    That said, you also have to admit there is problem with Minecraft’s modern culture too. So many people today focus on speed-running or beating efficiently the game they ignore what the game is all about.

  9. Idk what people are mad about

    The issue was that they were getting us hyped more than the content was worth and everyone was disappointed

    The Pale garden seems neat. The Creaking Has is gimmic, but it wasnt as hyped up as Warren, so it just seems nice, and plus the white Wood.

    Also Honestly I think Mojang themselves released the leaks

  10. I personally like the new biome for what is is. Also, we’re going to be getting multiple updates a year now, so it’s not like this is it.

  11. an_anon_butdifferent on

    im not defending microsoft, i just think they dont need to add a fucking castel or something big like that every update

  12. 1. The update isn’t finished so of course its gonna be bland
    2. No one gives a shit about microsoft, they might be the ones getting all the money but the developers are the ones that do all the work, calling an update bland is insulting the dev’s hard work

  13. Nice argument.
    *One small issue.*
    As you can see here, I have unfortunately depicted you as the fat, bespectacled Redditor. As such, I’m afraid your point holds no merit in a true court of public opinion. Run along, child, for your supper is ready.

  14. personally I like the new biome and mob and I think the new wood looks clean but everyone is entitled to their own opinion

  15. A update is a update.

    Even if it’s bland, it’s still a little more content for some people, even if the update doesn’t benefit me.

    So can we just stop complaining about update yall?
    Half of the updates people crap on aren’t even sas big and controversial as 1.9, they just add stuff that to what’s already existing. They’re not changing some big thing again and again, that concept would ruin the game.

    People can have opinions, but we gotta also remember that:

    a) developers can flop sometimes and sometimes go big, so don’t shit on Mojang for a “bland” update.

    b) showing the opposite team as “fat and meat-riding” is a HORRIBLE arguement, yall are just poisoning the well doing that.

    c) if ya think of smth one way, ya better have reasons to defend your point. Memes won’t get you far.

  16. I just want readable complaints from someone with an IQ above room temperature.

    The amount of people who completely missed/ignored vital statements like “We are now going to do many small updates” and “This is early in the development cycle and everything is subject to change” is staggering.

  17. _Levitated_Shield_ on

    Woah, it’s almost like they literally said in the stream they’re doing small drops overtime instead of one big update…

    Media literacy is dead.

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