The New “The Creaking” Mob, has been revealed in today’s Minecraft Live!… Thoughts?

by ImNeighbourhoodHuman


  1. A bit barebones for now. Although very cool anyway, but if this is the future of mob mechanics, I’m all for it. I absolutely love every single enemy you have to stare at in horror games ever since SCP 173

  2. HornayGermanHalberd on

    I like both the biome and the mob, something new and actually exciting, the wood is also nice

    the weeping angel mechanic and the mob bound to the block are also very cool concepts

    I wonder if the slender design and the eyes are an homage to the enderman

  3. Interesting but I see no real reason to visit the biome or see the mob. It’s cool but still…

  4. OccasionalGoodTakes on

    New mechanic and a new mob in terms of vibe is pretty much perfect for future growth. Also really cool new things for modded

  5. I think it’s cool, it’s a mini drop. I thought it’s still in development so I’m confused on the amount of hatred in the live chat.

  6. The creaking is cool. But the biome is so lame

    And Mojang should account for the fact that the players can just walk on top of the trees to perfectly avoid the creaking. Since the pale garden trees is dense and flat, it would easier to walk on top of the trees

  7. One_General3489 on

    It’s good and this could be them trying new mob mechanics and I love that, the Warden could hear and smell you and now you have to stare at the Creaking for it not to move

  8. Jumpy-Papaya-7892 on

    Honestly I do feel like minecraft needed another horror element that wasn’t just the warden

  9. Its cool, I wish it were a little taller, and I really wish the trees were much thinner to match, and just generally looks less like dark oaks

  10. DefiantVersion1588 on

    I think it’s good in concept, I think just tweaking the damage numbers to make it an actual threat would probably be a welcome change

  11. Archaea_Chasma_ on

    I hope they do add something else to the biome. Yes the wood is nice. But that’d be my only reason to visit the biome. Once to get wood and saplings. It is really cool tho. I love their idea I just hope they expand upon it more

  12. MCrandomname101 on

    I like what has been shown, but it feels pointless and out of place. I think the biome would have fit better in the end. Enderman requires you to look at it to agro, but the creaking stops attacking when looking at it. Being in the same dimension would make the pale biome look way with the color palette of the end.

  13. i really like the weeping angel mechanic and the look of it. i’m just disappointed by the look of the biome. it doesn’t feel very different from other biomes besides the color.

  14. I really hope this isn’t all the biome and monster will offer, because this feels like a very pretentious biome. I love it, it’s cool, but please for the love of god give us more of a reason to go there. I don’t think it needs to be a whole ass biome if it’s just this. They talked about Minecraft needing to be connected and like an ecosystem, and then they’re adding this biome that’s low key out of place and doesn’t seem to connect to anything else…

    Update old features to fit in with new ones and be more useful instead of adding new stuff that doesn’t fit with anything else

  15. Look fantastic, and the gimmick is great (especially for someone who loves the Weeping Angel mod), but kinda wish there was a bit more to it. Like it’s a mob that you have to look at, why not give it a say effect if you look at it for too long like a blinking effect or a blindness effect.

    Also, yeah kinda wish there was a better reason to go to the Pale Gardens in general. Like a wood mansion like structure or a unique drop to the Creaking that makes players want to go. But overall, it’s not bad. (Also, because people need to hear this, apparently, not this is not a big update. It’s a small game drop, calm down, we will get the big update later)

  16. The Creaking was designed to scare players, but the way they implemented it is terrible. It only spawns in the pale garden, so you already expect for it to appear when entering the biome, removing all scary effect.
    Plus, it isn’t even dangerous, only a wood guy staring at you and doing barely any damage (a zombie is more dangerous). And there isn’t even a single reason to enter this biome, it’s only a retextured dark forest with some moss.

  17. Sir_James_Ender on

    Definitely some cool mechanics here! I hope they add more to the biome to give players a reason to visit as development continues on it. Would also be cool to see more redstone interactions with the heart block. All in all I like the direction they’re going!

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