Villagers canonically think Steve is a monster.

by JPmagic_


  1. I mean, look at it from their perspective. He’s got a squished forehead, tiny nose, no eyebrows, hideous intelligence far beyond their own, inexplicable, inherent knowledge of dark magic, alchemy, and how to *open a portal to hell*, and he can carry a thousand pounds of solid steel in his back pocket like it’s nothing. Sounds pretty effin freaky-deaky to me, dude

  2. can you blame them, steve isn’t a character, he’s a personification of us, and i’m sure we all know what we do to villagers

  3. After watching this scene, am I the only one thinking about how great minecraft movie would be if it was designed this way?

  4. ColorIsSomwhere on

    I mean almost all of us liked doing genocide and 10 warcrimes a day every-time we saw a village when we were like 8 years old

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