me and my gf have been playing stardew a lot lately and every year we decide to get each other boo 👻 baskets for spooky season and our anniversary (oct 7). so I had the idea to take a picture of our in game characters and print it out to frame, then add to her basket but i’m having second thoughts that it’s not enough tbh. i just wanted to ask here for a second opinion or any other ideas maybe 🙂

by Regular-Balance-863


  1. DaikonIndividual2481 on

    This is a super cute idea, I would love it if my boyfriend did that for me!! I’d definitely add some extra stuff though, little things like candies or candles or something! 🙂

  2. I think it’s a really cute idea! As a huge Stardew nerd, I would love it. Especially if you play together a lot

  3. This is so cute, I’m pretty sure she would love it and try to add some candies she likes! Plus, you can also try to get her a gift like an accessories. Something that will makes her remember of you 💖

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