Guys, I’ll listen this time. What do I do with this?



  1. ObidiahWTFJerwalk on

    Chop it down to get mushrooms, or let it grow to tree size and it will spread to more of them.

  2. Hairy_Banana_4776 on

    Its a little mushroom tree! You can let it grow up, put a tap and get a reliable (and slow i will be honest) source of common mushroom (and sometimes red!), or you can let it grow, cut and get the an amount of red mushroom instead of wood. 1.6 brought seeds for this kind of tree but if you just let it be, others will sprout around with no need for seeds.

  3. MaliceIncorporated on

    When it’s fully grown you can tap it for free daily mushrooms. It will slowly spread seeds like other trees and you can get a bunch of them.

    If you’re in 1.6 it pairs nicely with the mossy log for moreshrooms

  4. Not much, honestly. When it grows you can tap it for common mushrooms, but there are much better sources. Keep it if it’s not in the way and you like the look. Chop if you don’t.

  5. Significant-Cod-9871 on

    Make a square grid around it by laying paths and leaving openings where you would like new mushroom trees to propagate too. One fungi is good, but an army of them is better!

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