For the pizzas I made the dough and realized it was for both pizzas so half the recipe if you only plan on making one.

Also I recommend the goat cheese pizza if you only do one. The tomato sauce came out a little to liquid for my taste but that one was also delicious.

I also recommend using the pizza dough recipe for any pizza you make. The crust wasn't bad as with some pizzas I've had before.

Pizza ingredient costs around 30-40 for both pizzas (I already had the flour from a previous recipe)

Pepper poppers


I'm currently in the bathroom and have little regret these things were the easiest thing to make so far and the most fun eating. Took way less time than I expected and the recipe instructions were eaiser to read than the previous ones I've done.

I would recommend this recipe for a party for sure!

Ingredients all together $20-25 and I had nothing at home already so relatively cheap to make!

by lemonalist

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