What command is this? How do I do this?

by DragonBornOfAcid


  1. ExtraStrengthFukitol on

    Probably just something like `/time add 1000` on repeat, with some interim mechanism to start the loop.

  2. KingOfThePlayPlace on

    A super brute force way to do this is just have a ton of command blocks like /set time 100 /set time 200…

  3. 1. Set up a scoreboard:
    First, create a scoreboard that will act as a counter for the increasing time speed:

    >/scoreboard objectives add Speed dummy

    2. Set the initial value:
    Assign an initial value for the time speed increase (e.g., 100):

    >/scoreboard players set @p Speed 100

    3. Create the first Command Block (repeat):
    Place a **repeat** Command Block that will continuously add time based on the current value of the `Speed` scoreboard.

    – Set the Command Block to **”Repeat”** and **”Always Active”**

    – Use the following command inside:

    >/time add @p[scores={Speed=..}] Speed

    4. Create the second Command Block (chain):

    Next, add a **chain** Command Block that will increase the value of `Speed` after each cycle, making the day-night cycle progressively faster.

    – Set the Command Block to **”Chain”**, **”Always Active”**, and **”Conditional”**.

    – Insert this command:

    >/scoreboard players add @p Speed 10

  4. 1. Obtain a stand
    2. Engrave 14 words into your stand that will represent you will
    3. Destroy your stand and resurrect it with 36 sinners’ souls
    4. Now your stand represents your will to achieve heaven and it will control gravity
    5. Go to cape canaveral at new moon to achieve lowest gravitational pull
    6. Find the best location and achieve made in Heaven.

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