1. Average_webcrawler on

    I recently started playing on rlcraft 2.9.3, whereas I previously only played on 2.9.1. Since I always play with the Shivaxi config, I installed it on it after an initial test launch and world creation. For some reason, after installing, it started showing these messages in chat every time I load a world. I know this is not normal, as I didn’t do it before I installed the Shivaxi config. So, I’m curious as to why it does this, and if I can fix it.

    Also, I looked, and those were the files located in the Scripts folder located in the main directory: IronArmorTest.zs test, LootTweaker_Champions.zs, LootTweaker_FMB.zs, LootTweaker_LostCities.zs, LootTweaker_SAmulet.zs, Shiv.zs, Shiv2.zs, whatever.zs asdadasd and why.zs, so there are no duplicates .zs files in that directory

  2. ExaltedStillness on

    I’m unfamiliar with that pack and config you reference, but these are caused by errors in CraftTweaker Scripts. Sometimes, depending on what changed in the update, the scripts may be calling methods that are now deprecated or you are missing a dependency.

    > <contenttweaker : axe_core>
    From that screenshot it looks like the item names are incorrect because there is unnecessary spacing in the item name. Try changing that to


    The issue looks the same for the other errors.

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