JESUS i just wanted to be honest about maybe not finding collecting hardwood for robin’s bed being a fun activity😭😭 i was already about to cry leave me alone!!!!!!

by glvbglvb


  1. codeverydamnday on

    Lewis is the worst 😭 he actually does nothing for the town as evidenced by the community centre and Haley’s 14 heart event but builds a gold statue of himself and guilt trips the farmer for not being excited about the board? Why don’t YOU do the request, Lewis?

  2. Aggressive_Version on

    “You know what, Lewis? You know what would be a really fun activity for me that would do this town no end of good? Running for mayor.”

  3. Huh. I’d never actually selected the non-gung ho option, but it never would’ve occurred to me that the mayor would be *this* much of a dick about it.

  4. Every answer/response you get from this game is so extreme. Either total enthusiasm and delight or pure hatred and disgust. The game has no moderation.

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