This is one of the largest and most complex projects in our collection. While not all ideas were fully realized, it has provided us with invaluable experience. We are committed to returning with a new, more refined concept for a cyberpunk structure.

by Kaizens87


  1. **The Interplanetary Spaceport**

    >You are arriving at The Interplanetary Spaceport of Los Angeles, immersed in the shimmering glow of technological progress!

    >Here is the command center, with dazzling lights piercing the sky. Feel the roar of powerful engines of the Space Shuttles.

    >The central hub for missions and departures, where the destinies of new Colonies are decided far from the cradle of Civilization. Welcome to the Interplanetary Spaceport of Los Angeles – ushering in the era of space travel.

    **Built by:** KAIZEN87 x KiRya_TryHARD x art_prnk
    **Thanks for your help:** lsFF x Ananasig x OperaliX

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