1. Moyan por qué de Minecraft no hay enfermedades hasta ya me contó un suscriptores de la viruela del mono es verdad sobre eso del Minecraft de su historia😢😮 y esta enfermedad puede cubierto de 1999 iremos ya sé de qué fecha tú naciste de 1050

  2. Make Minecraft more medieval devs. With carriages, cannons, archers and guardsmen villagers, kingdoms and castles, and finally bigger boats with more player spaces and bigger loot space.

    Like this comment so it can happen

  3. Hello, how are you? There are strange things in Minecraft, such as why I cannot make a box with the colors of trees or even color them, while I can make a boat with the same color as the tree. I hope that you will add this thing in the upcoming updates, not only the boxes, but everything made of wood, such as the crafting table, the torch, and the sticks.

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