i was on the edge of my seat for nothing ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž just 5 levels away. at least i got 2 prismatic shards? anyways, do u have any tips? i tried using the least amount of staircases i could but i ended up using them all hehe

by rooshypooshy


  1. if itโ€™s any consolation, it gets easier and easier. really if you just build up the proper resources and get the right tools/weapons, youโ€™ll notice it getting easier over time. i always recommend the following for skull cavern:ย ย 

    – ย take food with you, both just regular food and food with buffs attached. i recommend cheese and cactus fruit for regular food, and then spicy eel, lucky lunch or crab cakes for the buff foods. ideally you want increased speed and luck so spicy eel is my personal fav and easy to get bc serpents drop them and the desert trader will trade them for rubies.ย ย ย 
    – bring a lot of bombs. i usually just bring the regular bombs, no cherry or mega bombs. iโ€™d bring like 50 or more for a real skull cavern run, but maybe half that should be fine for getting to 25.ย 
    – i would bring a couple of staircases but i would only use them in a pinch, like if youโ€™re getting surrounded by serpents and need to get out. ย OR if youโ€™re running out of time but close to lvl 100.ย 
    – i highly recommend going on a great luck day. luck is tied to the odds of you finding ladders. it helps if you have the lucky ring, special charm, and/or luck buffing foods.ย  always take a hole if you see one. the odds of finding holes is static – itโ€™s a set chance every time the game gives you a ladder. i think itโ€™s like 20% or something? idr exactly but thatโ€™s the percent chance that any given ladder you find will be a hole instead. so even though luck doesnโ€™t influence that, it does influence the odds of finding ladders, so theoretically you should find more holes too.ย ย 
    – definitely go with a gold or iridium pickaxe and take a good weapon. the galaxy sword is a staple for the skull caverns but if you donโ€™t have one yet, there are other decent swords like the obsidian edge that work well enough for the level 25 quest at the very least.ย ย 
    – lastly, go as early as possible. the desert trader will trade you a totem for 3 omni geodes which is a steal imo. iโ€™d buy a few and save them for when your luck is really good. that gives you a few extra hours at the desert that would have otherwise been spent with you waiting on pam to get to the bus stop

  2. You need to upgrade your equipments base on your battlestyle.(Me I’m in mobile and gets hit easily due to controls so I go use def items and upgrades). Also more stairs. Don’t let Mr. Qi words gets in to your head and let yourself slide in those staircase. Time on this game is very short so using shortcut is not really illegal.

  3. the_space_queer on

    don’t worry! i’m sure you’ll be able to make it there again really soon! one suggestion: have you got any of the triple espresso shots? i have found that helps a lot to speed things up, as well as lots of cheese and also the energy tonics are good. also lots of bombs but i see you have that already! as others have mentioned: practicing makes it a lot easier and i have found the skull cavern has become much less scary, and i only go in there on good luck days.

    (funnily enough: i managed to make it to level 100 and then realised when i got there that i hadn’t even activated the challenge yet, so mr qi wasn’t there. it was really funny tbh because i was so excited to have made it that far!)

  4. ghettoccult_nerd on

    1. on sundays, the desert trader with the camel trades 1x stairs for 1x jade on sundays. horde whatever jade you can, use crystallariums if you got em. easiest way to get a bunch of stairs. i got stacks of them.

    2. horde rubies. the same desert trader sells 1x spicy eel for 1x ruby. spicy eel gives a nice chunk of health/energy but more importantly, gives you a speed and luck boost. serpents will also drop spicy eel as well.

    3. if youre clearing each floor, youre wasting time. bring LOTS of stairs. the caverns go further beyond 100 floors, with a guaranteed loot room on the 100th floor. if you dont see anything in the immediate vicinity as soon as you enter a floor, drop some stairs. with a good start, i can get to the 180-200 floor, but thats me looking for loot rooms, trying to get an auto-petter, so im not really exploring the floors.

    4. dont get too caught up on luck, depending on what your goal is. if you are wanting prismatic shards, luck is kind of irrelevant. on “bad luck” days, ive come back with 5-7 shards. in my experience, luck doesnt affect shard drops enough for me to notice.

    5. doing deep dives into the skull governs is kind of a skills check. if you just find yourself not having the resources to get down far enough, thats the games way of hinting that there might be some other stuff you might want to focus on and come back later. exploring the caverns can be pretty resource intensive, and you might need those resources for something more important depending on where you are in the game.

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