I’ve been working on a storytelling project called, Minecraft: Titans. Here is concept art of a scene from the story.

by BBMRedditAcc


  1. #Minecraft: Titans
    is a story about explorers discovering a long-forgotten world beyond the Far Lands that they call the Old Lands. Here they find ancient biomes, mobs, and blocks of the past that they must understand to figure out how to avoid the mistake of their Ancient Builders that led to the abandonment of the Old Lands. We follow 5 characters:

    – **Jesse**, a respected heroic figure who makes a few destructive decisions for the protection of her fellow Builders.

    – **Radar**, an old and experienced Builder, smart and careful.

    – **Lee**, adventurous and unfortunately, impulsive.

    – **Efie**, an advocate for the preservation of what’s left of the natural world, the world she witnessed fall apart as she grew up.

    – **Mumbjo**, a redstone engineer who restores ancient technology, saving and risking lives at the same time.

    A special case, **Soren**. He is the Enderman Titan, a warning from the past.

    The happenings in the Old Lands will challenge their bonds and force them to confront each other’s beliefs and desires.


    **Minecraft: Titans** – Summary of Episode 8: “*Massive Consequences*”

    After a successful Titan-hunting operation, conflicts between Builders arise as opposing goals come to light. The day only gets worse when the first ever Titan attack in history occurs. Though the reason for this is unknown, one thing’s for certain. It’s all downhill from here.


    I plan on sharing more moments from the story. I’ll be letting others decide which of these scenes I’ll draw. Pick what seems the most interesting to you.

    1. Radar comes face-to-face with the Squid Titan.

    2. A Redstone Titan emerges from the mountain.

    3. Lee and Radar find an Amethyst Axolotl Titan sanctuary.


    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of Minecraft: Titans, you can check my profile or ask me directly. I have a lot to share.

  2. #Old Lands’ Titans:

    **Overworld Titans:**

    1. ⁠⁠Soren (Enderman Titan)
    2. ⁠⁠Squid Titans
    3. ⁠⁠Amethyst Axolotl Titans
    4. ⁠⁠Island Turtle Titans
    5. ⁠⁠Glare Titans
    6. ⁠⁠Overworld Sniffer Titans
    7. ⁠⁠Phantom Titans
    8. ⁠⁠Redstone Titans
    9. ⁠⁠Silverfish Titans
    10. ⁠⁠Spider Titans

    **Nether Titans:**

    1. ⁠⁠Nether Sniffer Titans
    2. ⁠⁠Strider Titans
    3. ⁠⁠Magma Jelly Titans

    **End Titans:**

    1. ⁠⁠Soren (Enderman Titan)
    2. ⁠⁠Ender Dragon Titans
    3. ⁠⁠Ender Heart Titans

    **Cross Dimension Titans:**

    1. ⁠⁠Soren (Enderman Titan)
    2. ⁠⁠Squid Titans
    3. ⁠⁠Amethyst Axolotl Titans
    4. ⁠⁠Island Turtle Titans
    5. ⁠⁠Overworld Sniffer Titans
    6. ⁠⁠Glare Titan
    7. ⁠⁠Phantom Titans
    8. ⁠⁠Redstone Titans
    9. ⁠⁠Silverfish Titans
    10. ⁠⁠Spider Titans
    11. ⁠⁠Nether Sniffer Titans
    12. ⁠⁠Strider Titans
    13. ⁠⁠Magma Jelly Titans
    14. ⁠⁠Ender Dragon Titans
    15. ⁠⁠Ender Heart Titans

  3. this looks amazing! is it going to be available on youtube when its finished? I would love to see it

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