1. yeah, if this was turned into a Movie, It probably would be record breaking. or at the very least blow other game based movies out of the water.

  2. I’ve thought about this and I realized that that Take back the night, Find the pieces & dragon hearted each have enough of an arc that they could each be their own movie. Fallen Kingdom however, I think would work best just as the prologue to the Take Back the Night movie.

  3. Iv’e seen several fan fic movies with interesting plots and animation styles similar to these videos. Some of them don’t even have voice lines for the 2 hour long period and are better than what the official minecraft movie is going to be.

  4. Ill_Attorney_389 on

    Even as an apologist for the current minecraft movie, I think it’s pretty obvious this is a better way to make it.

  5. The one with the god awful Coldplay cover that drags on for what seems like an hour? Yeah, no. Please god no.

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