NOOOO COME BACK PLEASE i will really miss him😔

by Raspberry9ARina


  1. It’s really incredible how much I’ve played this game and how often I still see things I’ve never come through in my playthroughs

  2. Fantastic-Ad-1578 on

    #Plot twist:

    We’ve been watching his reruns since we arrived to the farm and he actually retired years ago, and he’s now living in a tent in the mountains close to Demetrius here in Stardew Valley.

    >!not confirmed tho, but it would be neat if it were him.!<

  3. I swear, I can not read that first sentences without thinking of someone bout to be called a bitch ass motherfucker…

  4. Yeah, all the tv channels display images when you have the plasma. I don’t know why Living Off the Land doesn’t do that if you have the original tv

  5. This is really weird….. why do none of my TVs (plasma or otherwise) not have ANY picture??? I always assumed it was just blank permanently??? And this is on 2 diff switches and PC

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