I almost have my community center. I feel like I spend a lot of time fishing, which I’m fine with, because I find that’s the best source of income. Any suggestions on how to improve my farm? And where I could focus more on?

by KarleySuinn


  1. It’s completely fine. I know that feeling but don’t feel too much pressure. Play at your own pace. My advice is, since you’re already in year 3, fall, GO IN THE MINES ONCE WINTER COMES! That will be a game-changer for all of your things! So that you will be ready to expand more of your crops once you’re in Year 4 Spring!! PROMISE.

  2. Special_South_8561 on

    Your middle row of sprinklers needs to be spaced out, they water all 8 tiles around them.

  3. Special_South_8561 on

    Yeti Tooth and Gold Tools is good, and you did the Quarry mines for that scythe.

    What’s in the chests??

  4. ImplementOriginal926 on

    I have a few games and I am definitely a slower player, I like to take my time and explore the game. I sometimes feel behind compared to other but to me playing slow and not trying to put pressure on my gameplay makes this game extra cozy for me.

  5. you’re on year 3, so you must be doing something right! sounds like you’re having fun regardless of what your farm looks like in conparison to others

    if you want advice, though, fenced in animal areas make farms look really nice. that plus pathways everywhere

  6. I have almost never gotten to year 3 I’m usually done somewhere in year 2. I finish like everything by then. So I have nothing left to do sadly.

  7. Obviously, play how you want to. Thats all that matters, and have fun.

    But if you want to improve, here’s my input:

    Your sprinklers are incorrectly used, wasting a lot of crop potential.
    Weird storage and machines out in the open that should be inside, ideally. Not sure what your house looks like.
    Animals should be fenced in like in real life. Essentially there looks to be no organization.
    Maybe take some time to plan a layout and grow from there, if that is best for you.

  8. There is no ‘behind’. Go your own pace.

    I do like to use winter as a build, craft and upgrade month, though. Pave your floors, upgrade your barns, decorate your house etc.

    It makes you feel like you’ve had more progress than it actually is. Floors don’t do anything, but your farm feels more believeable with a few walkways and fences.

  9. One thing I love about this game is that it literally does not matter how you progress. You can plan out a huge farm, do everything perfectly, become rich. Or you can just plant a dozen or 2 every season and call it a day. This is one of the only games I don’t feel driven to do my best all the time in. Very comfy.

  10. You don’t have to be like the other farms. Some people are just too much into metagame. I sometimes play with the Wiki opened and are usually a year one community center. My BF is a slow player and is usually surprised about how busy I am with this game.
    Every player has it’s way of playing and finding their fun. But in my experience, once you master the mechanics and/or play a bunch of years, you start not having that much stuff to do and having a lot of money. That is the time you reset or start decorating. And it’s when those overwhelming gorgeous farms come from.

  11. Me too!! Year 3, still trying to finish the community center and get to the bottom of the mines. I haven’t even cleared out my whole farm. But that’s okay, I’m still enjoying the experience! 🙂

  12. i think if ur enjoying it its fine, i also find it easier to make a “dream farm layout” on a new save later when u get bored of ur current save in late game and want to do something new and focus on “aesthetic”

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