Finally, the complete workaround for the dreaded "Uncaught Exception" complete! These are the steps I took to work around this, I imagine this should work for any new version, including 1.20 versions, so I'll just quickly share what I did:

  • Synchronize kubejs and probejs release version so that your installed KubeJS is the next older date
  • Check startup logs in /yourinstance/logs/kubejs directory for hints on what caused the exception
  • Remove offending mods if you can identify one, if not, you can start removing _kubejs mods one by one
  • If you have nothing to go on, remove half your mods, if it works you know its in the segment you removed, add half the list back in and try again, and so on until you narrow it down to the single mod.
  • Be sure to /probe clear_cache before you try again, a restart might not hurt but was not required in my case.
  • In the pack I'm in, occultism kubejs was offender – botania_kubejs passed without issues though I had previously suspected it.
  • If you still have problems, continue removing offending mods (start with the _KubeJS mods)
  • You can put offending mods BACK after the dump, in case you are concerned about removing such mods. Just remember you need to remove them if you do another /dump.

For those who don't know what this is, ProbeJS is a companion add-on for Visual Studio / VSCode that adds intellisense typing completion for KubeJS scripts. It "probes" every installed mod and downloads appropriate related documentation and injects it into the Add-on. Then you get both completion and inline documentation for writing KubeJS scripts, very handy.

If you don't know what KubeJS is you probably have already used it and don't know it. It can be used to make entire mods without the need to compile and link or use java at all. Its language is Javascript, and of course the formats that Minecraft Resource and Datapacks use. Thus letting you add custom blocks, models, items, machines, recipes, loot, AI behaviors, etc. (pro tip: ALL KubeJS docs are mainly on their Discord, and to a lesser extent, their wiki)

by darkangelstorm

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