Toxicity in Terraria

Had some thoughts on this recently, so I figured I’d make a quick video talking about it. I went out of my way to avoid mentioning anyone by name, so please don’t seek out anyone I mentioned to harass them over something they may have said.

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  1. i for one am SHOCKED that a discord server of all places could contain vitriolic and deranged individuals with too much free time. i was always under the assumption everyone who used discord was well adjusted

  2. honestly, after 1000 hours in league of legends I find myself wathing terraria vids and forums just to relax and unwind. Ive not played terraria in a year, but it feels like home and I will return to it for sure

  3. i know it's not the main point of the video, but this does make me feel a little less on-edge about my choice in weapons, particularly in calamity. what's the best weapon for this boss? whichever one i have the most fun killing it with. that's it that's all that matters

  4. so funny how much meta discourse there is in terraria when the people arguing over it could beat the game with relative ease with the most dogshit weaponry available, the game just isnt hard enough to warrant this shit lmao

  5. 6:31 what is the phantasm (im playing terraria classes in the order from which classes i like most to least and i have not tried ranger yet(yes my first class was summoner and my 2nd was mage(i think stardust dragon looks cute)))

  6. this is especially sad considering how wholesome the devs are.
    if anybody needs an example of that: look at their reaction to the whole unity debacle.
    they just donated to the alternative.

    in the past I have found the terraria community to be rather comfy. I hope we get better.

  7. Interesting video. Something I've talked about from time to time on streams that people need to stop "gatekeeping" with insisting on always playing the hardest difficulties. Part of the reason I enjoy playing the game slowly is because I get to do stupid things that aren't the norm.

  8. My worst experiences with terraria community people was actually in a minecraft discord, it was for a mod I wont mention (don't want to bring negative attention their way). Most of the people brought in worked on very big terraria mods… the constant fighting and trolling was pretty unbearable. I still feel queasy in my gut when I see some of these people have worked on something.

  9. As someone who used the minishark with molten armor during my first playthrough in expert difficulty to defeat literally every boss up to the wall of flesh, I support this message. Don't be mean to players who want to have fun. Also, remember, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

  10. I haven't gotten much expeience with toxicity in Terraria before, only a spat about a disagreement or two which got settled after some de-escalation. Thanks for taking initiative & nipping this in the bud before it becomes worse.

    One thing that I've found odd about Terraria's communities (as a lurker) is the general perspective of treating it like a competitive game; where people critique others based on what they use. I feel that this isn't inherent to PvP games, but rather, team games. Destiny 2 is a decent example of a tense PvE environment. There's the meme of "the guy who yells at someone for not doing optimal DPS".

    The thing that strikes me as particularly odd in Terraria is that a lot of people play singleplayer. And for those that play with others, it's usually done with people they actively look for (friends). There's no matchmaking, no requirement for people to play with strangers or else the task is exorbitatly difficult. It's not a matter where your failure would hinder my ability to get my own loot because we're in this together.

    So what does it matter to them if I run with a Keybrand? Even if if we needed to play together, you're not gonna let me try? My favourite moments in Destiny 2 LFG were saying "hol' up, let 'em cook", then being surprised. So why not se same in Terraria?

    I feel that for many games with co-op, the existence of a "meta" soils a lot of the experience. I don't want to write off metas because they exist for a reason, but I want to point out that they aren't rules. There's no white-and-black, right-and-wrong.

  11. I agree that Terraria community is rather mediocre at best. Hell, even toxic and needs to be better. Plus, I have been looking up guides on videos to get the progression of the game. A wise person who once said: "It's only a game, why you have to be mad?"

  12. I assisted in the management of a Terraria PvP Server known as THC. To provide a brief explanation, it was basically hunger games in terraria. It had flaws to be certain, but it was a fun server to be in at first and decided to help out because I genuinely enjoyed my time on the server. To this day, I have no idea if that was a massive mistake or not.

    I 100% saw the forefront of what elitism and meta-playing does to destroy a server as a whole. To put it bluntly, newer players would be rapidly off-put because how are you, some fella who maybe beat the game on classic, gonna stand a chance against someone who has beaten the game in less than 2 hours, and can effectively trigger Hard-mode in 30 minutes? With all the meta-playing, speedrunning, and other strats that existed (Real ones will know what Invis-Fig is) Its really no wonder why the game more or less devolved into a circle-jerk of elitism. I just wish I could've done something to make it "not" like that but I think the game is just simply not wired to be good for PvP. But yeah you can imagine the belittlement and beratement some folks got on that server for playing sub-optimally.

    Its not even their fault, most people arn't really capable of grenading BoC with only 100 HP for enough mats for a pickaxe, or gathering enough gear to do skeletron on the first night. Or having their game depend on how effectively they can traverse the main cave in the jungle biome, and maybe obtain the Blade of Grass (It was insane for PvP pre-1.4.4 believe it or not).

    Its mainly having your entire ego built on how well you can play a niche mini-game for me, you really ought to do something else with your life so you have something other than "I play video gaem well" to at least be proud of. I am currently going to college, I served in the military, these are things I am proud of, NOT how many wins I got on some server.

  13. Having fun in terraria in your own way sounds much better than to have someone breathe down your neck and say "your wrong, this is how you do it."

    When I played terraria the first time (back in 2016) , I had ZERO CLUE what to do, and that's fun. Despite dying too much to bosses, I found some ways to cheese some bosses.

    In the legacy console versions of the game you can skip the death timer (cuz there wasn't an actual death timer) and I beat Planterra simply by using a mushroom spear and my crappy shoebox base. I actually didn't know that Planterra was enraged till I looked up a guide after my first playthrough. And its actually pretty funny considering I had fun doing stupid stuff in Terraria

  14. I do wonder how much of this is impacted by the popularity of speedrunning. A lot of people nowadays complain about things like RNG and stick to meta a lot harder now (in my experience) which may partially drive this?

  15. Honestly I thought you were gonna rank the NPC quotes based on how toxic they were to the player LMAO

    Thank you for the video though, I haven't really engaged with the wider terraria community but when I was looking for tips on how to beat calamity I brushed up against a lot of what you spoke of regarding the meta as "the only way to play". I thought it was a shame that such a packed content mod would be narrowed down to only several real options regarding weapons, and since guides were difficult to find otherwise I just kinda bounced off playing it after a while, though I had fun with multiple playthroughs.

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