Is there any way to tell which direction to fly in to reach the mansion?

by Significant-Claim853


  1. Amazing-Regret480 on

    The tiny white dot at the bottom left is you, look in directions and it’ll show you which way you’re going. Also turn on coordinates so you can find your house

  2. Pumpkin – stalk on top always points northwest.

    Sunflower – always face East.

    Sun and Moon – Rise at East and then set at West.

  3. North East. Continue in one of those directions until you see the small dot in the bottom left corner move then go the other direction.

  4. Nearby_Atmosphere656 on

    Northeast. The dot indicates your distance, direction away from the map, and the map points north. You’re in the southwest corner, so fly the opposite direction, northeast.

  5. DisturbedWaffles2019 on

    If you’re on Java, press F3 to view your facing direction and head northeast.

    If you’re on Bedrock, I’m not entirely sure if there’s a way to check your facing direction in-game. Best way I can think of off the top of my head is to create an empty map and align yourself using that.

  6. First, you need to get on the same map.

    The pointer is round, which means, you’re off this map.

    Get on this map, the pointer will actually become a pointer and you’ll be able to tell from there, by facing towards the mansion.

  7. Easiest thing to do is copy the world and put into creative. My daughter and I looked for an entire day, went thousands of blocks (without an elytra) and still never got the thing to move. When we located if eventually the closest we got was still 10,000 blocks away

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