Very new to Minecraft and was exploring this cave that just kept going deeper and deeper until it ended at this. Can anyone explain what this is please.

by DonutOperator89


  1. Deep Dark. It’s a place you don’t want to go to yet. It’s quite scary and you can die very easily but the loot is great.

  2. Itโ€™s deep dark, a biom where could spawn a structure with very nice stuff but where even with the best armor you can be two shot

  3. It’s a new underground biome like “lush cave” or “dripstone cave”, the “Deep Dark”. I won’t spoil much. In general you need to make no sound at all, crouch for example and use wool. Slab with white spikes = danger. If you hear a scream 4 times you need to crouch to safety or RUN. You can also find a big structure with good loot.

  4. Shhh guys, it’s a new player, let’s keep the mystery of the unknown just like when Minecraft first started and that we didn’t knew anything about the game

  5. It’s called the Deep Dark and while it has great loot, and the ancient city is the best place to get notch apples, it’s not somewhere for a new player. I’d wait to get full diamond enchanted armor before tackling it.

  6. BozzyTheDrummer on

    Donโ€™t listen to people here, this is the secret music cave. What you want to do is run in there so the music boxes activate to summon the conductor to celebrate with you with vibrating music!

  7. Thank you for asking , I recently ran into it on my save and had no clue what to search for to find it lmao

  8. Reasonable-Store7472 on

    If you decide to adventure down there armor doesn’t matter. Warden can basically 1-2 hit kill regardless of enchants. Which is actually good go down with no or bad armor and if you die you lose nothing. No other mobs spawn there. I build wool cat walks and it’s not that bad. Just keep in mind they detect all sounds. Eating, drinking, walking, ender pearls. You can crouch.

  9. Wonโ€™t spoil anything since youโ€™re new, but PLEASE, do put a sword in your hotbar. The pickaxe wonโ€™t do much for self defence. Down there, it doesnโ€™t matter, but always have a sword ready

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