First try on a dense desert city, but I feel like something is missing here. What do you think?

by PresidentSkillz


  1. PresidentSkillz on

    Also any tips for the building on the last pic are appreciated. I wanted it to be something special, like a town hall or sth, but it doesnt’t look too good.

    And in general I don’t like gradients very much, at least not on smaller builds. I thinkt they look messy. And I want to use only materials that are local, it’s still supposed to be just a small village, so i only used sand/sandstone and acacia wood

  2. Well.. i would say create some kind of clutter, potts, barrels and the likes to make it look more alive. As for the last pic, switchs the logs for stripped ones, maybe thatll work?

  3. I think maybe making the last pic into a pavilion of some sorts, with an open roof and nature and then the building on all sides, like a little enclosed garden, that’d be cool.

  4. The smooth sandstone feels too polished and new. In a desert town like this the houses would be basically sandblasted constantly by the wind picking up desert sands, so add blotches of regular sandstone everywhere to give texture and variety to the buildings.

    You could also add mushroom stems as highlights to give a sun-faded look, and sand/exposed mushroom blocks in the shadows/near the foundations for some baked-in ambient occlusion

  5. Maybe something to add colour. Wool or carpets, possibly to… well not necessarily replace all the campfires (it’s a shame carpet will float above it if you try to put it on campfires) but yeah something like that to have that impression of fabric being used to create shade. Maybe a lime green or orange so it pops a bit (and lime is in keeping with desert materials, kinda, as the green can be obtained from cooking cacti).

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