1. The stardrop message is an ad-lib of whatever you had inputted as your favourite thing when you first made your character.

  2. Whatever you put as your favourite thing when making your character will be what Stardrops taste like. Sometimes with slightly cursed results…

  3. I know someone put “your Mom” as their favourite thing, so you can imagine how the text read…

  4. Yeah, I wish they suggested picking a favorite thing to EAT, I put the same and it felt weird everytime

  5. Oh no lol. I would choose to interpret that as “the feeling you get when you have a purring cat in your lap” or something similar. Since it takes whatever your favorite thing is, it’s supposed to be the concept of it, not the literal taste were you to actually eat it.

  6. I didn’t know that’s how your favorite thing popped up, and I couldn’t think of one thing I liked the best, so I put “critters.” 🙃

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