1 Comment

  1. Hi again, miss me?

    Yeah so uh my last playthrough more or less ended at EV. Not because of burnout, rather because I felt stuck in a situation where I wanted to continue playing my world with personal “rules” based on what I’ve seen in challenge runs for GTNH, but also feeling guilty about what I already achieved beforehand which “broke” those rules. Things like using clean energy production only, the entire Garden of Grind concept / no vein hunting, and similar.

    So I decided to bite the bullet and restart in a fresh world using the current GoG ruleset, with a “few” modifications of my own.

    Those being:

    – Clean Energy Production Only (catalysts which generate pollution are fine, but if it’s being used to power a machine then it must be clean)

    – Minimum Crop Breeding (crops from quests & loot bags are fine to use en masse, but no breeding unless it’s mandatory for game progression, and only for the crop that breaks the progression lock, not the intermediates to reach it)

    – Minimum Bees (I hate bees, so no bees unless mandatory for progression, and if mandatory for renewable production of that progression material)

    – Minimum Dimension Use (basically cannot use another dimension for a method to generate resources or similar if it can be done within the overworld, with the exception that the only overworld method is either through bees or crop breeding, in which that case using other dimensions is fine)

    – Avaritia Hard Recipes Only (mainly for late game if I get to that, meaning infinity catalysts must be crafted through the singularity crafting path, not the easy inf catalyst dust method)

    – Minimum Duplication (no duplication unless it’s the only method of renewable generation. allowed in similar contexts to the dimension rule with relation to crops/bees.)

    – Create all possible processing lines / earn all possible quests with the above restrictions in place

    – (Eventually) reach Stargate

    You can say I have my work cut out for me.

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