Just built my first ever “real” build, advices please

by Ilkehaan


  1. Hi guys, I started a survival world, wanna do great things this time. I did this kelp farm, trying to match a “medieval” style. I am not so sure about the blocks I used, especially for the front wall, any advices pls,

    PS: I did this in creative then ill import the schematic to build it in survival, im still in mid game.

  2. It looks nice but kind of empty, add some interior, maybe some kind of a road outside or a farm.. I like it so far though!

  3. building looks great all together.

    Only criticism would be the end-sides of the 2 side-buildings. They are very dominant in the front-view and look much more massive and closed than the rest of the build.

    I’d try to get some windows in there, at least in the upper floor, to break up the repeating pattern of wall.

    Other than that, it’s a very interesting build with character. I like the open areas with walk-ways in the back. They make it look a lot lighter and less massive.

  4. Michelle_Baker4617 on

    Congrats on your build!What parts did you choose?I remmeber my first build, accidentally plugged the HDD LED into the wrong pin and spent hours wondering why it wasn’t booting.

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