Using AE2 on 1.19.2 and have a setup for certus quartz. I have a certus quartz crystal in the storage bus and silk touch on the annihilation plane and it worked fine at first. I was getting full crystals but out of nowhere it changed and now it breaks it instantly and only gives me the dust. Any idea why it might have changed or how to fix it?

by Ballerlikeindividual


  1. I’ve always had to put a filter in the plane for whatever you are harvesting, so maybe try to put a filter for the full grown crystal in the AP?

  2. The obvious thing is to check the setting for the Storage Bus first. It needs to be filtered to specifically Certus Quartz Crystals so the Dust has no where to go, preventing the Annihilation Plane from breaking the block to pick it up in the first place.

    However, I suspect you hooked this sub-network up to the rest of your network, removing the critical “sub” part. Jade clearly states the cable you are looking at has 2 of 8 channels in use, but it looks like the Smart Cable after that only has 1 channel, heavily implying this setup is connected to a Controller. A Controller would be pointlessly expensive for this kind of setup (No Controller “Ad-Hoc” networks can have up to 8 Channels), so I suspect this got connected to your main network by accident.

  3. Basically, the problem is that as long as it sees it can store what it gets for breaking the crystal, it’ll break the crystal. So as long as it can store certus dust, it will always break the crystal prematurely.

    If you filter the storage bus into only full quartz, then the annihilation plane will no longer see a place it can store dust, and thus won’t break it.

    (It gets more complicated with amethyst farming, because it can always store the “nothing” it gets for breaking amethyst early, so you need more creative solutions)

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