I keep seeing this on the wiki with ancient fruit and other fruits. With ancient fruit you can put it in a keg to make wine, then age it in a cask in the cellar to make higher quality wine. Or you can put it in a preserves jar to make jam. What’s the other option? It looks like a slightly bigger jar than the jam but lumpy? And crucially worth a lot more money! Please help me this is driving me insane

by Exact-Broccoli1386


  1. It’s dried fruit, made using 5x Ancient Fruit

    In terms of return on item, nothing beats aged wine. But that takes a long time to make. Jam & Dried Fruit generate profit a lot quicker, but less efficient per item

  2. It’s dehydrated fruit. I think it’s a 1.6 option. It takes only a day to dehydrate I think. The problem is that it takes 5 fruits. Wine and kegs is the best option because it gets you more money. The time it takes for the wine to ferment is the same amount of time ancient fruit takes to regrow.

  3. It’s a 1.6 thing. Dried fruit, from the dehydrator. It’s not as a good as it looks, becuase you need 5 dried fruit to make it.

    Iridium wine is the most valuable still.

  4. Exact-Broccoli1386 on

    Thank you all! I even looked on the page for ancient fruit to see if it was a 1.6 thing but it didn’t say anything about an update. Now I’ve looked on the page for dehydrator I can see that’s what it is. I’ve marked this post as a spoiler now since it’s a 1.6 thing!

  5. No_External_539 on

    Truffle oil and truffles. I never again needed to buy anything ever again after these guys. And they’re easy to get too.

  6. the best money per fruit is aged wine, but the amount you can make is limited (casks can only be placed in the cellar).

    so, each harvest fill your kegs and casks, then use the leftovers to produce jam and dried to get extra coins.

    the most kegs you can make the better. but you gain nothing with crops in a chest if you produce more than you can process

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