I was just putting Torches in my farm so i can see and then this thing happens and i got a weird item

by Able-Print-3203


  1. Living-Damage926 on

    It torch god event when you put 100 torch close together when consume it grand you ability to toggle torch and campfire arcoding to biome

  2. It’s a permanent booster item to make your world more aesthetic, as the tooltip says. You get it after completing the Torch God event successfully. This torch-changing ability can be toggled on and off as well.

  3. Torch god event happens when you place 100 torches nearby, and thats his drop. Also that is a permanent buff for your character, it converts the torches depending on which biome you are in. True torches on true biomes increases your luck.

  4. when you place a bunch of torches underground, the torch god event happens, where torches will shoot projectiles at players. after it concludes, the player gets a torch gods favor item. consuming it will turn all torches and campfires into their biome specific counterpart, which increases luck. Placing a normal torch in a desert will turn it into a desert torch


    ^(i am a human, this action has been performed manually)

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