
I've been no-lifing All the mods 9 harder than any game in the last 2 decades and to put my experiences in a quote: "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know."

I'm getting into autocrafting with AE2 right now and i can not find clear answer on some things for me to fully understand what i'm doing, so i'd appreciate some answers on these questions.

1 – Do pattern providers + molecular assemblers have to be adjacent to co-processing units and crafting storages, or can i just make a "computing spot" (1 storage + 4 CPU (what would be the max amount for this?) x however i want/need) somewhere else and connect it to the "main" ME controller chunk, do the same with "assembling spot" (pattern provider + molecular assembler x however i want/need).

2 – Why is my current auto crafting setup ( took this photo and idea for my 1st autocrafting idea (just to grasp it at the basics) from ChosenArchitect on youtube, it's 8 64k crafting storages, 16 Co processing units and 32 extended pattern providers + 32 extended molecular assemblers (all filled with acceleration cards!)) only using 1 assembler, when, for example, i craft insanium essence throughout the whole craft? Should it not use 1 assembler for prudentium and as soon as it has enough, start doing the tertium essences etc in another assembler?

2.1 – Would it help if i'd manually put every essence tier pattern in a different pattern provider or it should not matter? Currently i allow it to automatically assign patterns to providers when i que up a craft.

I have 4 mil. infernum essences and i'd like to convert them upwards at a steady pace, currently i can que up 5 insanium essences before it tells me that not enough CPUs are available. (hence the idea of making a huge "computing spot") Even those 5 essences take quite a bit of time.

Any other useful tips / tricks would be greatly appreciated! <3

by LoreGeek

1 Comment

  1. 1. No. Only thing that matters is being on the net.

    2. Don’t those crafts need the infusion crystal? You probably only have one.

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